Alone in the Dark (Blind Levi x Reader)

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When Levi awoke, all he saw was darkness. Only, he thought his eyes were open. He tried opening them again, but still nothing.

He didn't allow himself to panic, instead focusing on what he could derive from his other senses. He was lying on something soft and covered with a blanket – so a bed, probably. He could feel various injuries all over his body, though none of them seemed serious. And...that was it.

He decided to try moving. Maybe he could feel his way around in the dark...


Instinctively, he relaxed at the sound of his lover's voice. A second later, he felt her hand take his, their callouses brushing against each other.

"(F/n)?" he muttered. "I can't see you. What's going on?"

She made a soft sound, like a gasp, then asked delicately, "What's the last thing you remember?"

Levi thought back. "We were outside the Walls, fighting titans in a village. And..." His brow furrowed as he tried to recall what had happened next. "I don't know."

(F/n) sighed, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"What happened?" Levi pressed. "Why can't I see anything?"

She squeezed his hand. "They were testing some explosives, and apparently, you got too close. The doctors said you weren't hurt badly, except..." She took a deep breath, then murmured, "Don't worry. It's only temporary, but...the doctors said you're going to be blind for a little while."


(F/n) hadn't left Levi's side since she told him the news last night, and Levi couldn't have been more grateful to her. Although he would never admit it, being blind had left him terrified. What if there was some kind of threat? He wouldn't be able to fight. He wouldn't even be able to see it coming.

Things got a little awkward when she had to help him find his way in the bathroom and the shower, but he felt more comfortable with her than he would have with anyone else, and she didn't seem to mind. And nothing was more calming than wrapping his arms around her at night, feeling her next to him, falling asleep in her embrace.

Since training was out of the question, Levi and (f/n) spent most of the day going through his paperwork. The task was even more tedious than usual, because (f/n) had to read everything to him, then direct his hand when he had to sign a document. The whole affair was giving Levi a headache. He hated that he couldn't even perform the most basic of tasks on his own.

Sensing his mood, (f/n) murmured, "Hey, why don't I go make us some tea? I'll be right back, okay?"

No. It wasn't okay. Levi couldn't bear to be alone, not now. Yet, at the same time, he could never admit that he was afraid. He could never beg (f/n) to take him with her. He would just have to suck it up. It was only for a few minutes, after all. He should be able to manage that much.

Levi gave (f/n) a terse nod. She rubbed his arm in a comforting gesture before heading off to the kitchen.

With nothing else to do, Levi waited. And waited. And waited.

"Tch," he growled. Although he couldn't see the clock, he was certain that (f/n) should have been back by now. Where was she?

As he continued to wait, fear slowly crept in. Even though HQ was relatively safe, all things considered, he hated not knowing what was going on around him. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He would just have to go find (f/n) himself.

Slowly and carefully, Levi felt his way out of his office. It wasn't too difficult, as he was quite familiar with the area. However, when he got out into the corridors, he became less confident with every step.

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