Afterlife (Levi x Goddess Reader) Part 1

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! I have a few messages for you. First, I now have more stories in my queue than there are chapters left in this book, so I am closing the Requests Page at this time. Fear not! The next book will have a place to drop your requests. So for now, just hold onto them, make a mental note, write them down, or whatever you need to do until the next book arrives.

Second, this is another one of those stories that was too long to be one part, but too short to have its own book. So, it will be two parts in this book.

Third, while this story is based off Roman mythology, I did take liberties, so please don't crucify me for the things that aren't strictly accurate. With so much anime left to watch, it would be quite inconvenient if I died now. Arigatou. 

"You're mistaken, Minerva," Mars argued. "Levi Ackerman is a war hero, and he should be placed in my House."

"Being a war hero doesn't automatically make him yours," you countered, calmly holding the God of War's gaze. "He has shown wise judgement in battle, which makes him a candidate for my House as well. Besides, you have to consider what his soul needs in order to find peace – and that is not mock battles and raucous parties in your Hall of Heroes. He only spent his mortal life fighting because he had no other choice, and he has suffered greatly. He deserves a quiet place where he can rest and heal. Therefore, his soul should be entrusted to me."

"That's hardly –"

"Enough," Jupiter spoke, holding up a hand to silence Mars. "I have made my decision. Levi Ackerman will be placed in Minerva's care."

Both you and Mars bowed your heads in deference to the King of the Gods.

"You always side with her," Mars grumbled bitterly.

You smirked. "Being the Goddess of Wisdom does have its advantages in a debate, brother."


You sat down at your desk, adjusting the bracelets on your wrists before folding your hands atop the smooth surface, preparing to greet Levi when he arrived. Of course, you could have received him in your throne room – which you occasionally did with new additions to your House – but you knew he wouldn't take well to the impression of you lording over him. A conversation in your opulent but relatively smaller office would feel more familiar to him, and thus, more comfortable.

That was something you hoped for – Levi feeling comfortable with you. Even though you were a goddess, you didn't want to seem separate and untouchable. Levi was placed in your care so he could heal, and thus, you wanted to be seen as approachable, as someone he could trust and confide in if the need arose.

As soon as you were ready, Levi appeared in the middle of your office.

"What..." he gasped, glancing around frantically, understandably disoriented by this sudden development. His soul had been kept asleep in a holding area while the debate over his placement occurred. As far as he was aware, he had been living out his normal life on Earth until only a second ago, when he was unexpectedly transported here. No one had even told him that he'd died.

His gaze landed on you, seated at your ornate silver desk, haloed by sunlight streaming in through the large window behind you. Those perceptive, grey eyes widened a fraction as they took in your appearance – your elegantly braided hair, the decorative breastplate that you wore over your deep purple dress, your divine aura. While your physical form appeared very similar to that of a human, there was no mistaking you for one. You were otherworldly, powerful, and beautiful in a way that mortals could never be.

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