Soft (Levi x Reader)

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You panted, trying to catch your breath after an exhausting set. Once your heart rate was back to normal, you began cleaning your equipment and putting it away.

At this time of day, the training room was usually empty except for you, which suited you just fine. You were a little intimidated by how strong the soldiers were, and you couldn't help feeling inadequate and insecure next to them. However, right as you were putting your dumbbells back on the rack, Levi walked in, dressed for exercise.

"Going heavy today, brat?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the weight in your hands.

"Well, I have to work hard if I want to get rid of all this flab," you chuckled, though it wasn't entirely a joke. "I have to keep up with you, after all."

As you slid the dumbbell into place, Levi's arms wrapped around you from behind. You could feel his toned chest flush against your back, and he whispered, almost sadly, "You don't have to worry so much about it, you know." His hands brushed across your sides, your stomach. "I like that you're soft. I like knowing that you've never had to fight for your life."

You blushed. In mere seconds, Levi was able to sense your insecurities and give you comfort. He was also able to give you a flock of butterflies inside your core.

As a maid employed by the Scout Regiment, you had access to their training facilities. However, you had never felt like you needed to use them until you started dating Levi. Of course, he never said or did anything to make you feel inadequate. It was just that...well, he had the body of a god. And you felt like people would talk about how he could do so much better than you. You felt like he could do so much better than you.

Levi's lips grazed your neck, and you melted, every thought immediately flying from your mind.

"Do I need to remind you of how beautiful you are, brat?" he growled, nipping at your skin.

Your breath caught. "S-someone could...w-walk in here," you whispered even as you tilted your neck, exposing more of yourself to him.

His hands continued rubbing your sides, squeezing your waist. "Then how about we go take a shower?" he suggested huskily.

You stiffened, whirling around so you could smack him on the arm. "Levi!"

He simply chuckled.

Truthfully, both you and Levi wanted to wait until marriage for that kind of thing. However, he seemed to immensely enjoy teasing you about it. He certainly took advantage of every opportunity to do so.

You huffed. "I am going to take a shower alone. By myself." Your embarrassment shone clearly as you accentuated the words.

Levi smirked, leaving you absolutely breathless. "Have fun."


You returned to your bedroom and peeled off your sweaty clothes, tossing them in the laundry basket before heading into your bathroom and turning the shower on. While you waited for the water to warm up, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the full-body mirror on the wall.

It wasn't like you were fat. (With food supplies being so low, no one but the nobles could afford to pig-out, anyway.) However, you still weren't happy with your body. Certain parts were flabby. Your thighs were covered in stretch marks from your teenage growth spurt. Nothing really stuck out to you as "pretty". And after seeing the female soldiers, day in and day out, with their lean bodies and defined abs, you were sad that you could never look like them.

"I like that you're soft."

Sure, Levi had said it. But you had a difficult time believing it.

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