Gurenge (Levi x Demon Reader)

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Author's Note: This is a "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" crossover, and thus it may contain spoilers for that series. Please take care.

"Levi, calm down. We can't do anything until this storm clears up."

Levi growled at the commander and kept pacing.

Erwin only sighed. It was odd for Levi to be visibly upset, but Erwin knew how worried he was about the soldiers who had been separated from the main group – especially a certain female squad leader.

The blizzard had come out of nowhere. Most of the regiment had been able to regroup and take shelter in a decrepit castle. However, a few of the vanguard squads hadn't made it back. With the weather being so intense, it was impossible for the main group to search for the others. They could only hope that their missing comrades survived both the elements and the titans.

The storm didn't clear until several hours after nightfall. At that point, it was too dark to move, and the main group was forced to wait until morning.

As soon as the sun broke the horizon, they set out in search of their comrades. They split up to cover more ground, keeping just close enough to see any smoke signals that might be fired.

Levi's squad, along with a few others, searched a nearby forest. They came across an old hunting lodge, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw signs that the missing squads had camped there for the night.

However, when they entered the cabin, all they found was death.

Blood and bones and severed limbs were scattered across every inch of the space. Some of the bodies looked like they had been halfway eaten, but not by a titan. The bite marks were too small for that.

The rescue party quickly searched for survivors. They found only one – you.

You were covered in blood, with wounds littered across your body. You were unconscious and cold, but you were still breathing.

Levi wrapped you in his own coat and carried you from the cabin himself. While the rest of the group busied themselves with contacting the other squads and trying to make sense of the scene, Levi was solely focused on you. He held you close, giving you his body heat, as he gently wiped the blood from your face.

Your eyes snapped open. Before the other soldiers could react, you tackled Levi to the ground, pinning him. If it had been anyone else, they wouldn't have had the strength or reflexes to stop you from ripping out their throat. But this was Levi.

He braced his hands on your shoulders, holding you back as you tried fruitlessly to reach him. You hissed and bared your fangs – fangs. Levi's wide eyes found yours, and he realized that your pupils had morphed into slits, like a cat's.

"(F/n)!" he shouted, his voice strained with the effort of fighting you. "Stop! It's me! It's Levi!"

For the briefest second, you hesitated.

Then the other soldiers noticed the commotion and rushed to Levi's aid. They drew their blades, screaming at you to stand down. But it was like something else had taken over your body – something inhuman.

Confronted with this new threat, you whirled around and growled at the soldiers. Upon seeing your aggression, they looked ready to kill you without question. But before things could escalate that far, Levi knocked you out with a well-placed blow to the head. He didn't want to hurt you, but he had no other choice.

"Everyone, calm down!" he demanded. "She's unconscious, for now. We'll take her back with us."

Once the other squads arrived and Commander Erwin was appraised of the situation, he ordered the soldiers to tie you up. Given your inhuman strength, they bound you with materials that they would normally use to catch titans. They also covered your mouth with a cloth.

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