First Kiss (Levi x Reader) - Reader's POV

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! This book recently reached 50K reads, and I couldn't be more grateful to you all. To celebrate, I wanted to do something a little creative, so this chapter and the next are the same story told from different points of view. I hope you enjoy!

You awoke to the feeling of your captain tossing and turning next to you.

You were instantly filled with concern, even though this was nothing new. The two of you had been sleeping in the same bed for a while now. And truthfully, you just slept – that was all. Both of you were plagued by terrible nightmares, and having each other close helped ease your distress. It was the only way you could get the rest your bodies so desperately needed after the endless training and fighting.

However, you were careful to be discreet about your arrangement. If anyone found out, they would doubtless get the wrong idea, and you didn't want to have to explain it to them. Neither you nor your captain wanted to discuss your nightmares with anyone but each other.

You turned on your side to face him. His features were marred with sadness and pain, and a broken, whimpering sound escaped his throat.

"Levi?" you whispered.

He gasped as his eyes flew open. Those grey-blue orbs were wide, afraid – like he didn't know where he was.

"Shh," you cooed. You reached over to rub his arm under the blanket, and you realized he was shaking. "It was just a nightmare, Levi. You're safe. You're home. It's okay."

At your words, his eyes focused on you, though they were still full of fear. His breaths still came in short, shallow gasps.

"(F/n)?" he croaked. "You''re alive?"

Your brows drew together at his words. You hated seeing him suffer like this, knowing the nightmare must have been terrible if it managed to crack his stoic mask. "Yes, Levi. I'm alive. I'm here."

His breath hitched. And before you knew what was happening, his hand held the back of your head as he pressed his lips to yours.

You froze, unsure of how to react. But then you sensed his desperation, his panic, and you melted. You gently returned his kiss, wanting to comfort him however you could.

As soon as you started to move, Levi jerked back. His eyes were still wide, but along with the pain, there was also embarrassment and disbelief at his own actions.

"I...I'm s-sorry...I..." he stammered, clearly mortified. "I didn't m-mean..."

You smiled softly. "It's okay," you murmured. "You can kiss me if you want to. I don't mind."

Levi blinked, surprised by your response. He gaped at you for a moment before whispering, " d-don't?"

You shook your head. Maybe your lingering sleepiness was making you bold, unguarded, but you admitted, "I like you, Levi. In...that way."

Levi continued to gape at you while he worked through his shock. After several seconds, he looked away, a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he stuttered, "I...I know this is obvious, but...I l-like you t-too."

Your smile grew. "I'm happy to hear that," you murmured.

Levi glanced up. For a moment, he seemed like he might be happy as well. But then it disappeared, and he once again averted his gaze. He looked remorseful, almost sad.

"Levi? What's wrong?" you asked, filled with worry at the sight.

He answered in a voice that was barely audible. "I didn't want the f-first time I k-kissed you to be...l-like this."

"Oh," you breathed, your expression softening. Perhaps strangely, his statement flooded your heart with warmth. The fact that he cared so much, that he wanted to get it right, was both touching and adorable.

You carefully took his chin in your hand and tilted it upward, encouraging him to meet your eyes. "Okay," you whispered, giving him a gentle smile. "Then you pick your perfect time and place, and that will be our first kiss."

Levi glanced up at you in surprise.

"We'll say this was a practice round," you added playfully.

Levi stared at you for several seconds before finally loosing a breath, his expression returning to normal. "Okay," he muttered.

You continued to smile, taking time to simply gaze at him, savoring the moment. At last, you murmured, "So are you ready to go back to sleep?"

Levi nodded, and you snuggled in close, wrapping your arms around each other. It wasn't long before his breathing steadied, and his powerful body relaxed completely in your embrace.


(A few days later...)

"Captain, where are we going?" you asked. You never addressed him by his first name unless you were sure you were alone – unless you were sure that no one else would overhear. You had to maintain some semblance of formality, after all.

"Tch. You'll see," he grumbled.

You continued to follow him up the stairs. Up an up and up. Further than you had ever been.

At last, you arrived at a door, which Levi opened for you.

"The roof?" you questioned, walking past him into the night. You glanced around, a little confused as to why he had brought you up here.

"Mhm." Levi shut the door and stepped up behind you. You felt his breath in your ear as he whispered, "Look up."

You did, and you couldn't help the gasp that escaped your throat. Up here, there were no buildings or trees or lights to block your view of the seemingly endless sky, and it was filled with more stars than you had ever been able to see before. It was breathtaking. Beautiful.

Levi moved beside you and held out a hand. "Care to sit?"

You let Levi help you balance as you sat down on the edge of the roof, your heart fluttering at the touch of his hand. He sat down beside you, and the two of you gazed upward, admiring the view.

Levi muttered softly, "When I first joined the Scouts, I would come up here all the time. I still do, when I get the chance." He paused for a moment. Then, "It never gets old. The sky."

You understood what he was saying. He had told you about his life in the Underground, how he had spent decades without ever seeing the sun or the stars. And you realized how much this place must mean to him.

For a moment, you wondered why he was choosing to share it with you now. Until it clicked, and your heartbeat sped up.

You tore your eyes away from the sky and looked at Levi, only to find that he was already gazing at you. The intensity in his stunning grey-blue orbs took your breath away. You could barely manage to find your voice, but you whispered, "You certainly picked a good place."

His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, and you realized that he must have been nervous too.

"I'm glad you think so," he murmured, leaning in.

You felt yourself being pulled toward him as well, like gravity. And soon, your lips met, molding together softly and tenderly. Levi cupped your cheek in his calloused hand, gently holding you close.

Even the stars were forgotten as your mind rid itself of everything but him. The feeling of his lips. The taste of black tea. The smell of clean breezes on summer days. And the butterflies that he caused to flurry around your stomach.

After what seemed like both a second and an eternity, the two of you gently pulled apart. You gazed at each other – silently, lovingly – savoring the moment. Cherishing the feeling of that perfect first kiss that still lingered on your lips.

Without a word, you both went back to watching the stars. Your hands found each other, fingers entwining in order to feel your lover's closeness. And your heart warmed at the care that Levi had taken to make this moment special.

It really was a beautiful night. 

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