Mer-Made for Me (Levi x Mermaid Reader)

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Author's Note: End-of-manga spoilers are ahead, so read at your own risk.

Also, this story was inspired by "Crestfallen" by sciencefictioness on Archive of Our Own. In case you're interested in checking it out (which I'd recommend if you're over 18), be advised that it contains adult content. 

Shortly after Levi and the other survivors of the final battle settled in their new, far-away town by the sea, he started hearing the voice. It carried on the breeze each night – a wordless, ethereal melody – and even when he was indoors, it echoed clear as crystal. Oddly enough, none of his comrades could hear the voice, and Levi wondered if perhaps he was losing his mind. But even if that were true, a small part of him welcomed that enchanting song, as if he had been waiting for it his entire life and just hadn't known.

Moreover, although he couldn't explain how it was possible, he felt like the voice was calling to him. I'm here. I'm here. Come find me.

For two weeks, Levi ignored the tug. He told himself that it would be crazy to go chasing a mysterious voice in the middle of the night, that it would be too difficult to maneuver with the wheelchair he was now bound to for the rest of his life – thanks to the injuries he sustained during the war. But one night, the pull of the song and his own curiosity became too great to resist, and he wheeled himself out of his house with only a lantern to light his way.

Levi followed the voice all the way to the beach, where salty air kissed his nose and calm waves lapped gently against the sand. The call continued out into the ocean, but he could go no further than the end of the small, wooden dock. Thus, he simply hauled himself out of his wheelchair and sat on the edge, listening to the soothing song while his feet dangled ever so slightly above the water.

Then all of a sudden, the song stopped.

A moment later, Levi saw a shape pop up out of the waves a few meters in front of him. The night had grown so dark that he couldn't make out what it was, so he pulled his legs onto the dock and held out his lantern, trying to cast some light on the object. The soft glow didn't help much, but Levi thought he might have seen the outline of a human's upper body.

"Hello?" he called into the night.

Slowly, the shape moved closer, until it arrived inside the sphere of his lantern's light. Levi realized with a twinge of shock that it was indeed a human – a young woman. Only her head and shoulders were visible, with the rest hidden beneath the dark waves.

"What are you doing?" Levi asked her, hints of urgency and confusion mingling in his deep voice. "Don't you know that sharks feed between dusk and dawn? Not to mention, it's effing cold out here."

"I'm friends with the sharks," she replied airily, staring at him as if in awe. "Besides, no creature in the sea would dream of bothering me now."

He eyed her skeptically, internally wondering if she was insane. "Right..." he uttered slowly. "Bother you while doing what, exactly?"

She bit her lip, the gesture seeming almost nervous. Then... "I'm looking for someone. And you?"

Levi hesitated, not wanting to admit he was hearing voices that no one else could. "I heard something," he explained haltingly, his eyes drifting to the side as he recalled that ethereal melody. "I followed the sound here. But it stopped just before..."

The words caught in his throat. The song had stopped just before this woman appeared in front of him. Could she have been the one singing? wouldn't be possible for a human voice to carry all the way from the beach to his house...would it?

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