Happily Ever After (Levi x Princess Reader)

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Captain Levi Ackerman tried his best to focus during the strategy meeting, but it was no use. His thoughts kept drifting back to one person.

The crown princess.

(F/n) Fritz.

Levi had met her almost a year ago at a state function that Erwin insisted he go to. He had been surprised to find that (f/n) was...not at all what he expected. Instead of being snobbish, she treated everyone equally, regardless of their class. Instead of being vain and empty-headed, she was a hard worker and extremely intelligent. And instead of being selfish, she truly cared about her people, and she always put their needs before her own.

Since their initial meeting, they had seen each other several times at various official gatherings. Levi often found himself spending the entire event with her, because she was the only one of the nobles whose company he actually enjoyed. Every now and then, they exchanged letters, and they had actually gotten to know each other quite well.

Recently, he had started to feel something more for the princess than simple solidarity or friendship, though he did his best to ignore it. After all, he was just a soldier, and he would probably die soon, anyway. There was no use in putting (f/n) through all of that, even on the slim chance that she felt the same way.

Still, Levi couldn't get her out of his head.


You sighed and slumped onto the plush stool in front of your mirror.

"Was it that bad, princess?" one of your lady's maids, Anne, asked from behind you.

"Worse," you mumbled, resting your forehead in your hand.

Anne and your three other maids – Brigitte, Cora, and Della – cooed condolences as they gently removed the pins from your hair.

"You'll have to choose someone soon, my lady," Brigitte said, not unkindly. "There are only so many eligible bachelors in Wall Sina."

"I know," you mumbled. "But I just..." You let out another sigh – a bit more frustrated this time. "I can't marry a man who isn't right for me – or the kingdom, for that matter."

Now that your hair was free of the pins, you walked over to your bed and fell backward onto the soft mattress. "So far, all the 'bachelors' I've met are ignorant, self-serving jerks."

"Isn't there anyone you like?" Cora asked shyly. "Anyone at all?"

"Well," you mumbled, a little embarrassed to talk about your feelings, "there is...one person..."

All at once, your maids were squealing and surrounding you on the mattress. They all asked the same question: "Who is he?"

You sat up, keeping your gaze fixed firmly on your lap. You could feel a blush rising to your cheeks. "Captain Levi."

Your maids screamed in unison.

"He's so handsome," Della cooed.

"And strong," Anne added.

Brigitte cocked an eyebrow. "A little short, though, isn't he?"

Anne smacked Brigitte lightly on the arm. "Who cares? He's a total dreamboat!"

"So why not ask him to marry you?" Cora interjected quietly.

The other three went silent, waiting for your answer.

You sighed ruefully. "Even if I could convince my parents to let me marry someone who's not nobility –"

"And why couldn't you?" Della interrupted. "I think they'd make an exception for Humanity's Strongest Soldier."

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