AU's Are Universal (Levi x Reader Modern AU)

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Author's Note: I recently went on a much-needed vacation to Universal Orlando Resort, and like the obsessed weirdo that I am, I was constantly imagining that Levi was there with me. So, for your enjoyment, I have written down my delusions to share with you all. I hope you have fun vicariously experiencing my trip, as I certainly had a lot of fun living it. Because we all know that every vacation is better with our favorite grumpy clean-freak. 

As the ferry boat carried you from your hotel to the main hub for the Universal theme parks, you felt your excitement growing. This was real. You were finally on vacation.

Of course, you had been excited from the moment you arrived at your hotel and saw how nice it was. The abundant waterfalls and palm trees made it feel like a tropical paradise. Your room looked nice too – although you had only visited it long enough to set your luggage down before starting off on your adventure.

It was already mid-afternoon, so you and your husband wouldn't be going into the theme parks today. Rather, you decided to take it slow and relax a bit before jumping into all that craziness. However, you still needed food, and CityWalk – the shopping center that sat in front of the parks – was full of tasty things to eat. Given the intense heat of the Florida sun, you felt yourself craving ice cream, which was how the two of you ended up in Cold Stone Creamery.

"I'd like that one," you stated excitedly, pointing to your chosen flavor. "With sprinkles. In a small bowl. No wait – that's the small? I'll take a large, then."

"Tch," Levi grumbled from beside you. "You won't be able to eat all that."

"I can!" you insisted, completely sure of yourself.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He then ordered a small bowl of vanilla for himself before paying for the two of you.

"Thanks, Levi!" you chimed, even though the money technically belonged to both of you, now that you were married. It still felt nice to have him pay for you.

After receiving bowls that were practically overflowing, you two found a table in the shade and dug into your already-melting ice cream. The first bite was heaven – everything you had hoped and more. But once you swallowed, you realized just how deep the bowl actually was, realized the enormity of the task in front of you. No way could you finish that.

"Sorry, Levi," you said sheepishly after you ate your way down to the top of the bowl. "You were right. I can't eat it all."

"You don't have to apologize, brat," he muttered. "Did you at least enjoy it?"

"Yeah!" you chimed, nodding your head energetically. "It really hit the spot!"

"Then it's fine."

You grinned. It was sweet of him to only care about your happiness, regardless of the money. But that was Levi for you – a closet sweetheart.


"Oi, brat, hurry up," Levi uttered from his spot by the door. "It's seven fifteen."

"Coming! I just have to put on my Hogwarts robe!" you called. The two of you had planned to do all the Harry Potter attractions today, and you yourself wanted to dress up like a Hogwarts student, in order to get the full experience. You hastily slipped your arms through the sleeves, secured the button, and rushed over to Levi. "Okay, I'm ready!"

"Finally. Let's go."

He held the door open for you, and as you made your way out, you suggested, "Hey, we should get you a robe."

"What for?" he grumbled, genuinely confused.

"To wear to the park, of course!" you chimed. "Then we could match!"

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