Yes, Sir (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This was inspired by one of my favorite lines from "Harry Potter". See if you can spot it!

You leaned against a tree trunk, trying to catch your breath after a particularly exhausting training session. Having graduated top of your class before joining the Scouts, no one was surprised when you outperformed all the other cadets as you maneuvered through the forest, slicing the necks of fake titans. However, it seemed that one person was particularly unhappy about it.

You groaned inwardly as your group was approached by none other than Humanity's Strongest Soldier, Corporal Levi.

No one else knew, but you had actually met Levi a long time ago, back when he was a criminal in the Underground City.


You had just run away from your high-class family and an arranged marriage with an abusive nobleman. Naturally, a pretty girl sprinting through the Underground had attracted the wrong kind of attention, but you were lucky. Levi just happened to be passing by, and rather than ignoring your screams, he saved you.

Levi and his friend Farlan took you in. You started helping them on their jobs and, somewhere along the way, you and Levi became quite close. A few months later, you adopted Isabel into your family. It wasn't an easy life, but with your freedom and your friends, you were content.

Everything changed when Nicholas Lovof came to call. He offered you all a job and, as payment, citizenship on the surface. Having come from the esteemed Lovelace family, you were born with the right to live up there. However, you knew how much your friends wanted to leave the Underground, so you resolved to help them in any way you could.

Except, Levi didn't want you to. Since this job involved actually getting caught by the military, there was a chance you would be recognized and returned to your family. Instead, Levi told you to run, to go to the very end of the Walls, and once the job was done, he would find you. After a lot of convincing, you agreed to go.

You regretted that decision ever since.

You ended up in Shiganshina. You changed your last name to (l/n), bought an apartment, got a job, and waited anxiously for your friends to come. Days turned into weeks, then months, and still, you heard nothing.

One day, the Scouts rode through Shiganshina on their way out of the Walls. You stood in a crowd with the other civilians, catching a glimpse of Levi as he passed. You didn't see Farlan or Isabel, but you figured that they must have been there somewhere. Yet, it was strange. The job should have been done within a month. What was taking so long?

More time passed, and stories reached your ears about a single soldier who was worth an entire brigade. And though you watched every time the Scouts left the Walls, you never saw Farlan or Isabel. Each day, you wondered what had gone wrong, why they still hadn't come for you.

Then, about a year after you arrived there, Shiganshina was attacked by titans. Countless people were devoured. You managed to escape, and after seeing the horrors those monsters wrought upon your neighbors, you were overcome with the desire to fight back. You enlisted in the Trainee Corps mere days after Wall Maria fell.

Because of the work you did with Levi, you were already skilled with ODM gear. (Of course, you never told anyone how you learned it all, and they simply assumed you were a natural.) Your talents were such that you graduated in one year, rather than the standard three. After being heavily sought-after by all three regiments, you chose the Scouts. They seemed quite glad to have you – all except Levi.

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