The Yule Ball (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: For a picture of your dress, follow this link...

For your ballroom song, follow this link...

You can copy & paste them into your search bar. Happy Christmas!

You awoke to the peaceful quiet of snow falling outside your window, and the distinctly un-peaceful racket of Hanji screaming as she jumped up and down on your bed.

"(F/n)! Wake up! Today's the day!"

You groaned, pulling the covers over your head. "What day? Hanji, it's too early. Leave me alone."

"I can't, silly! It's Christmas Eve! Which means tonight is the Yule Ball! So get up! We've got lots to do!"

"Hanji, I already told you I'm not going," you protested. "I don't have anything to wear, and I don't have a date –"

"Neither of which is a problem!" Hanji declared. "All us girls are going shopping for dresses now, and then we're going to the party as a group!" Her smile grew fiendish as she delivered the next piece of news. "Plus, a certain someone will be there tonight."

You peeked at her from under the blankets as your cheeks warmed. "You can't mean...There's no way he'd go! He hates stuff like that."

"Oh, he's going," Hanji cooed. "Erwin ordered him to, so he can't refuse." She hopped off the bed and yanked the covers away. "Now, come on! There's no time to lose!" She snickered. "Who knows? This could be the night that Levi finally confesses his love for you."


"Remind me why I have to go to this stuffy party, Erwin," Levi growled, leaning irreverently against the wall at the bottom of the grand staircase.

"The Yule Ball is military tradition, Levi," Erwin explained. "Just try to have fun."

"Tch, that's likely," Levi scoffed. He hated crowds. He hated dancing. He hated travelling all the way to the palace in this wretched cold when he could just as easily be drinking a hot cup of black tea at his desk. "Well, what are we all standing around for? The carriages are outside."

"We're waiting for the ladies so we can all leave together. It's the polite thing to do."

A few minutes later, the female soldiers descended into the foyer, dressed to the nines in formal attire. Hanji rushed over to where Erwin and Levi stood. "Merry Christmas Eve, comrades!" she greeted them exuberantly. "Wow, you both look fancy!"

"Thank you, Hanji. You look very nice yourself," Erwin replied smoothly.

Levi scoffed again.

"So, is everyone ready?" Erwin asked.

"We're just waiting on (f/n). I think –"

At that moment, as if on cue, (f/n) appeared at the top of the staircase. Levi was so shocked that he did a double-take. Walls, (f/n) was...he could think of a thousand words for what she was.




Her silky (h/c) hair was coiled on top of her head in an elegant bun. Sparkling, dark blue jewels graced her bare collar. Her floor-length dress began as the exact color of the night sky, then lightened to the color of the snow she would soon be walking on. Matching flat slippers peeked out from beneath the glistening fabric.

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