All Over Again (Levi x Reader)

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You woke with a gasp, tears already streaming down your face. It took you a moment to adjust to the dark room, to realize where you were – wrapped in soft sheets, with your husband still sleeping next to you. Thankfully, your hushed cry hadn't disturbed him.

A dream. It had all been a dream. Not a nightmare, not really. But it had been so surreal that it left you feeling lost. Empty.

You sat up, curled into a ball, and buried your face in your knees. Tears continued to flow down your cheeks as you sobbed silently.

A minute later, you felt your husband's strong body curl gently around you.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Levi murmured into your hair.

You did. You needed to speak, you realized, because perhaps that would be enough to tether you to reality. Perhaps that would fill the void in your chest.


You were a teenage girl, standing amongst the bloody remains of your ravaged life.

People found you. One held out a hand. "Come with us," they said. "There is nothing left for you here."

So you stepped over that threshold, out of your shattered former life, and into a new one.

Decades passed. You survived war, and plague, and all the pain that came with them.

You were now watching your middle-aged self from outside your body as you walked aimlessly across another bloodstained battlefield.

You came across the body of a teenage boy. He looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine – not here, bruised and broken, amongst a sea of corpses. You didn't know why, but you lay down next to him and started to sing.

As your solemn voice rang out in that desolate space, the boy's eyes once again filled with life. He stood, and you rose with him. His body was no longer broken, and he stared at you with a cheeky grin. You realized then that you were seeing him as he was, before war turned him into another dead soldier.

You blinked, and the boy was gone.

You heard footsteps behind you, and when you turned, a man was standing there. His face was drenched in blood, as was his military uniform. Even so, you got the sense that you knew him somehow.

Once again not knowing why, you carried the man on your back, his body heavy and lifeless against you.

Then he slid off, and he picked you up, carrying you bridal-style in his strong arms. All the blood was suddenly gone. Both of you looked younger, happier. You smiled and laughed as he spun, still holding you against him. You were in love, you realized.

The rewind sped up, until you were once again that teenage girl, back in your own body, standing on the threshold of a new life.

And rather than hearing the question, you felt it. "Would you do the whole thing all over again, knowing what you know now, knowing what you knew then?"


You swallowed against the tightness in your throat. "My whole life passed by," you whispered. "And I saw the result of all the terrible things I went through. I saw the people that I lost, and how I lost them. I saw you." Your voice broke as you realized that he was the man from your dream, the one whose body you had carried. "And it hurt. It hurt so much that I didn't know how I survived it."

Your body began to shake as you cried, and Levi held you a little tighter. His thumbs rubbed small, soothing arches on your skin.

"But then my life played backwards, and I could see, before all the happy I was. All the love that I found."

You took a shallow, shaky breath.

"And when I finally got back to the beginning, I felt a voice inside me, asking if I would do it all over, knowing the agony that was waiting for me at the end."

A strangled sob broke from your throat.

"And I said yes. I would have done it all exactly the same. Because all that pain – it was only because I first had something that brought me such indescribable joy. I had a life, with you. And even if it only lasted for a little while, I wouldn't trade it for the world."

Levi waited a few moments after you were done, just in case you had more to say. When you didn't speak, he murmured, "I don't know how this will end, (f/n). But I wouldn't change a single moment with you, either. I love you."

"And I love you," you croaked.

The two of you stayed that way, your husband wrapped protectively around you, until your sobs quieted. It didn't take long. Now that you had said what you needed to say, breathing became a little easier. However, you still couldn't shake the feeling that you weren't quite here. That some essential part of you was missing.

Tears still slipped silently down your cheeks.

Slowly, delicately, Levi untangled himself from you. While you were still curled in a ball, he picked you up and set you in his lap. His strong arms cradled you as his hands rubbed soothing circles across your arms, your back. Then he gingerly slid his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up so he could look at you.

"You know, I think you've set a new record, princess," Levi muttered as his fingers brushed the tears from your face. "You've been awake for a solid ten minutes, and you haven't demanded that I make you chocolate chip pancakes."

The blunt statement came from so far out of nowhere that you couldn't help but giggle. Levi smiled softly at that sound. He knew how much you needed to laugh right now.

"Can you blame me?" you asked quietly, your throat scratchy from crying. "Your pancakes are the best. Plus, you hardly ever make them." You poked his chest in a playfully accusing manner.

"I'll make some for breakfast today," Levi promised, stroking your hair as he gazed into your eyes.

A hit of excitement appeared in your (e/c) orbs. "Really?"

"Really." Levi leaned down to give you a soft peck on the lips. "Would you like your breakfast now, or would you like to sleep a little more?"

A grateful smile tugged at your lips. Even though it was the middle of the night, your husband was willing to get up and cook comfort food for you. But it wasn't necessary. Levi's actions and words had already filled the emptiness inside you. Now, you just wanted to rest.

You leaned up and pressed your lips to his cheek. "We can sleep a little longer," you murmured.

Levi nodded. He gave you one more kiss before laying you both down, still holding you close.

"I expect extra chocolate chips," you informed him, closing your eyes.

"Tch. Such a spoiled brat," he muttered, though not unkindly. Then he gave an exaggerated sigh. "Fine. I suppose you can have extra chocolate chips."

You snickered and snuggled into him. You loved how he could put you at ease, in his own, unconventional way. The two of you worked perfectly together, just the way you were.

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