The Support of a Partner (Levi x Insecure/Pregnant Reader)

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Apparently, today was the big day.

Having no experience with what labor felt like, you brushed it off when you felt small pains in your stomach. After all, pregnancy came with a lot of weird sensations, so you were used to random bouts of discomfort by now. However, after an hour had passed, you started to think that this was more than just a simple cramp.

Thankfully, Levi was home when you realized you were going into labor, so he was able to help you get to the hospital. After checking in and being escorted to your room, a nurse arrived, taking a chair across from where you and Levi sat on the bed while she talked you through the procedure. Unfortunately, she informed you that you would likely be in labor for several more hours – if not all night.

You groaned inwardly. Of course, the doctor had told you at previous appointments that the first child typically had the longest labor, but experiencing it was quite different. Even though you were only two hours in, you already felt uncomfortable, and you knew it would get a whole lot worse before the baby was actually born.

The nurse was just about to hand you a hospital gown when you felt something pop. Fluid dampened your thighs, and you knew immediately that your water had broken. Even though it was a natural process, you couldn't help feeling incredibly embarrassed. You had made a huge mess, and in front of Levi...

Your face heated as you turned away from him, too mortified to meet his gaze. Of course, he and the nurse both noticed the clear liquid that now dampened your clothing and the bed beneath you. You just hoped that it hadn't spread under Levi as well.

The nurse sweetly reassured you that it was normal, that you had nothing to worry about. She then left the gown on the bed before exiting the room, giving you some privacy.

After she was gone, Levi gazed at you with a concerned expression. The two of you had been together for long enough that he could easily tell when you were upset. "(F/n)?" he murmured, reaching out and placing his hand atop yours in an attempt to comfort you.

But you still refused to look at him. "I'm sorry," you whispered shakily.

Without a second thought, he slid to the floor in front of you, kneeling like a prince for his princess. His hands rested on your legs, warm and gentle. "Hey," he began in a soothing tone, "you have nothing to be ashamed of. It's natural. Okay?"

He only spoke a few words, as was typical of him. However, with Levi, you didn't need grand, flowery speeches. You knew that he meant every word he did say, and that sincerity was enough to make you look up at him. When your eyes hesitantly met his, you saw nothing but love in his gaze, easing your embarrassment further. It was still there, but at least you knew that Levi wasn't offended by the mess. That was something.

You gave him a small nod, acknowledging his words.

He gazed at you a moment longer before asking in that same, soft tone, "Can I help you get changed?"

You nodded again, and he rose to his feet, double-checking that all the windows were fully covered before returning to stand in front of you. You sat still while he undressed you, only moving occasionally so that he could slide the fabric off your skin. Of course, you were entirely capable of undressing yourself, but Levi wanted to do it for you. You had learned long ago that this was his love language – serving you, treating you like a queen. So you sat back and let him do it, both because you wanted to give him the space to express himself, and because being the object of his diligent, tender care gave you all the warm fuzzies inside.

However, that pleasant feeling had been marred by self-consciousness ever since your baby bump started to grow. You had a pretty good figure before, but now...well, obviously not. Even though Levi had reassured you countless times over the past few months, telling you that you were beautiful while he pressed kiss after kiss to your skin, you had a hard time accepting it.

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