Love Bites (Vampire Levi x Reader)

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One minute, everything was going smoothly. The next, absolute chaos.

While battling the onslaught of titans, you and Captain Levi had been driven away from the rest of the regiment. You couldn't see the others anymore, not even their smoke signals – if indeed anyone was left alive to use them. Still, you fought on, using the scattered buildings of an abandoned farm as jumping points to slay the monsters.

You didn't see the last titan coming for you, but Levi did. In his rush to save you, he put himself at risk, with devastating results. Within seconds, the building he had landed on was crushed, and Levi was lying motionless in the middle of the wreckage.

You screamed, killing the titan as quickly as possible before rushing to Levi's side. Your heart stopped when you saw the blood soaking the left side of his shirt. Thankfully, a quick examination revealed that the wound wasn't as bad as it looked, but Levi would still need immediate medical attention. Since your regiment was nowhere to be found, you would have to do.

You carried your captain into the farmhouse. All the while, he kept his eyes squeezed shut, as if he were in immense pain. He also clamped a hand over his mouth and nose, which led you to believe that he was trying to stop himself from screaming. After being in his squad for a few years, you knew how much he hated showing emotion, so you weren't surprised at his efforts to hide it now. You also knew that the pain must have been incredible if it managed to crack Levi's stoic mask.

Your chest constricted upon seeing him hurt like this. You and Levi had been dating for quite some time, and you loved him with everything in you. Levi felt the same way about you, which was why he insisted on keeping your relationship a secret – knowing that the commander would move you to a different squad if he found out. Levi wanted to keep you close, to keep you safe. And now, you were going to do the same for him.

As delicately as you could, you laid him down on the bed. "I'm sorry if it's dirty," you murmured. "It's all we've got." To you, the bed looked mostly clean, but Levi was more sensitive to dust and grime than anyone you had ever met. "Just stay here. I'll look around for some supplies."

You gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead before rushing off to search the house. Thankfully, you were able to gather water, a clean cloth, and some bandages. You also grabbed a few candles and matches, knowing light would soon be scarce now that the sun was slipping below the horizon.

You returned to the bedroom, focused on not dropping the plethora of objects in your arms. "Okay, I think we can make due with...Levi!" You gasped in surprise when you noticed that he had moved. He was now curled into a ball, sitting in the farthest corner of the bed, practically pressing himself into the wall. His face was completely hidden from your view.

"Levi," you said in a quieter tone, trying to soothe him, "I know it hurts, but you can't sit like that. Just lie down and let me –"

"No!" he snapped hoarsely as you took a step toward him. "Don't come any closer."

You nearly jumped at the sudden intensity in his voice. "Levi, what's the matter?" you asked softly. You couldn't understand why he wouldn't want you near him when he so clearly needed help, or why he sounded so much like a frightened animal. "It's just me. It's (f/n). I'm only trying to help you." You set your supplies on a nearly table and continued toward the bed. Each one of your movements was slow, delicate, trying not to startle him further.

"Are you deaf? I told you to stay away!" he hissed, still not looking at you.

"I can't do that, Levi," you murmured. You were really starting to worry now. Had he hit his head or something? You needed his compliance if you were going to treat his wound. Even though he was injured, you were certain you wouldn't win if Levi fought you. "You're hurt. Let me help you. I only want to help."

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