Afterlife (Levi x Goddess Reader) Part 2

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After several months of healing and finding joy in your palace, Levi stated that he was finally ready to see Erwin. Of course, you were more than happy to arrange their reunion, and you also offered to include Hanji, since she worked in the same building. He responded to that with a soft smirk, muttering that he "may as well check on Four-eyes before she burns the place to the ground."

Yet, being ready didn't mean that he wasn't nervous. As you sat beside him in the carriage, you could see the anxiety in his eyes as they stared at the ground, could see his hands shaking where they rested in his lap. So you reached out and twined your fingers with his, giving them an encouraging squeeze.

At the contact, Levi glanced up.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it?" you murmured sympathetically. "I know Erwin and Hanji will be overjoyed to see you."

Your lover's expression softened at that. He loosed a breath, and with it, the tension visibly melted from his body. His eyes were filled with gratitude as they gazed into yours, his lips curling upward ever so slightly at the corners.

When the two of you arrived at the university, you made sure to pull your hood over your head and tone down your divine aura before stepping out of the carriage. You didn't want to attract attention, knowing this was a very personal moment for Levi. He deserved privacy while he reunited with his friends.

You led Levi through the ornate hallways to the backdoor of a classroom. The two of you slipped inside, standing discreetly against the wall, unnoticed by the students who sat in the amphitheater-style seats in front of you. Their attention remained on the professor at the front of the room – and once Levi's gaze landed on that familiar figure, he couldn't look away either.

He went completely still, his breath catching in his throat.

Absorbed in his lesson, Erwin didn't notice you two right away. As he spoke, you silently remarked that with his authoritative demeanor and Roman-style clothing, he almost could have been addressing the senate instead of a group of students. However, he had left all the politics and manipulation behind him, given that such things were no longer necessary to uncover the truth and share it with others. He had a different way of doing that now.

"Let's see...who can tell us about Cheng the First?" Erwin asked, his eyes searching the class.

A student raised her hand, and after being called upon by Erwin, she explained, "Cheng the First was a leader of Chinese pirates in the late eighteenth century. He started out serving with the pirates as privateers in a Vietnamese war that transformed them from mere bandits into a skilled mercenary navy. After the war ended and the pirates were once again considered outlaws by the Chinese government, Cheng organized them into a confederation and made them masters of the coast."

"Very good, Elka," Erwin complimented, clearly pleased with her response.

You watched as Levi's eyes turned misty. He had devoted over a decade of his life to this man, had trusted and admired him more than any other person on Earth. It must have been overwhelming to see Erwin so happy in the afterworld – and with two arms again.

"Yes, Cheng the First was certainly an intelligent and charismatic leader," Erwin continued, an undertone of intellectual excitement in his voice. "So naturally, when he died, he left some big shoes to fill. Yet, he was actually succeeded by an even greater commander, who just happened to be –"

Erwin cut off, finally noticing you and Levi at the back of the room. His gaze met with the ravenette's, and after a split second of appearing stunned, he smiled softly. "Actually, we'll discuss Cheng's successor in the next lesson," he amended quietly, keeping his eyes on Levi. "Class dismissed."

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