Survivor (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Wow, this book has over 20K reads! Thank you all so much!  [insert hugs here]

It had been a very, very long day. Well, technically, it had been two days, but since you hadn't slept last night, it all ran together. Commander Erwin being arrested, the MP's hunting you and your comrades...and still, it wasn't over.

Under Hanji's direction, you had been discreetly checking up on the Scouts that were in hiding – all the while making sure that you weren't caught by the MP's yourself. You just had one more stop to make, and then you could rest for the night.

Despite the exhaustion that weighed down on your body, you were alert and anxious as you approached the warehouse. You wanted to make sure that everyone was alright, of course, but there was one person in particular that you couldn't wait to see. You had been on pins and needles all day, worrying about him, and that only got worse after you heard about the fight in the city.

After ensuring that you weren't followed, you approached the cadet currently on watch. She was hiding herself well, especially considering she had probably never done this before. However, you were better. She didn't notice you until you stood a few feet behind her and hissed, "Cadet?"

The girl whirled around, aiming her rifle.

You raised your hands, showing that you were unarmed. "Easy," you said. "I'm Captain (l/n). Section Commander Hanji sent me."

The cadet quickly lowered her rifle. "Oh, sorry!" she said nervously. "I recognize you now. I've seen you around HQ." Then her eyes widened as she realized she was addressing a superior. "Uh..." She slammed a fist to her heart in salute. "Cadet Sasha Braus, at your service!"

"There's no need for that," you whispered, hoping that your calm demeanor would encourage her to quiet down. "I'm checking up on all the squads. Is your captain here?"

Sasha nodded and directed you inside. At first, the warehouse seemed empty, but as you moved further in, you heard the indistinct murmur of voices. After passing a wall of large, wooden crates, the light of a fire came into view. Five people sat in a circle around it, all of them looking exhausted. You vaguely recognized four of them as cadets, and the fifth...

You stepped closer and cleared your throat.

As one, their heads snapped up to look at you.

"You're Captain (l/n)," one of them murmured.

You recognized this one, too. He had been in Ness' Squad, when Ness was still alive. However, the boy looked different now. Haunted.

"Yes, that's right, Cadet Arlert," you replied. Your eyes flicked to a pair of icy-blue ones as you continued, "Hanji sent me to get a report."

Levi stood. "Fine. Follow me, (l/n)." Then he looked to his squad. "Get some rest while you can. You'll need it."

You followed Levi to the other end of the warehouse, past rows and rows of crates. He stopped in a dark, secluded area, far enough away that the cadets wouldn't hear you talking.

He turned to face you, and you couldn't hold back anymore. You launched yourself at him, wrapping him in a tight hug. "Thank God, you're safe," you breathed.

Levi didn't say anything, but he returned your embrace, resting his head on your shoulder.

You allowed yourselves a few more moments of that comfort. Then you sat on the floor with your back against one of the crates. Levi slid down next to you, once again leaning his head on your shoulder.

You reached out and wove your fingers through his. "Tell me what happened," you murmured gently.

Levi took a breath, then gave you the whole story. He never once showed any emotion, but you knew better than to believe he felt nothing. Despite his stoic demeanor, Levi cared deeply about his comrades. Watching Hanji's squad get killed, and then losing Eren and Historia...that must have affected him.

"It's not your fault, Levi," you whispered.

He nodded, though you could tell he didn't quite believe it. You opened your mouth to insist, but Levi spoke first. "When we first got here, Armin was sick because he killed one of the enemy soldiers. Then he and Jean started talking about who was in the right, who was in the wrong, good people and bad people..."

He shifted, pressing his forehead into your shoulder. "Those brats talked to me like I'm supposed to know. And maybe I am, but...I'm not a good person. I never have been. I have no idea what's right or wrong at this point."

"Levi, that's not true!" you exclaimed, though you kept your voice to a whisper. You shifted so that you faced him fully. "You are a good person. You are."

"I'm not. My hands have been dirty ever since I was a child."

"Only because you had to. But Levi, who we are and what we must do to survive are two completely different things." You cupped his face in your hands. "Look at me," you murmured.

Slowly, Levi's eyes lifted to meet yours.

"You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who has had to make a lot of impossible choices. And I'm sorry that you've had to. I'm sorry for what happened today. But every choice you made was to protect your comrades. How could that ever be wrong?"

For a moment, Levi only gazed at you. You wished you were able to tell what he was thinking, but as always, his expression was unreadable.

Then his eyes fell again. "It doesn't matter," he muttered. "Right or wrong, it won't change what I have to do."

Your expression saddened. "No," you agreed softly. "It won't."

Silence filled the space. You slid your arms behind Levi – one hand on his back, the other in his hair – and pulled him into a hug. He didn't resist. Instead, he wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his forehead against your shoulder. You leaned against the crates once more, resting your exhausted body while you held him.

As you brushed your fingers through his onyx hair, you added, "But I want you to know anyway. You're better at making the right choice than you give yourself credit for. And in my eyes, at least, you're a good person. You always have been."

You felt, rather than heard, Levi's breath hitch. After a moment, he relaxed into you, turning his head so that his face was buried in the crook of your neck. His warm breath caressed your skin, and you could feel his slightly chapped lips against your throat.

You hugged him a little closer, a little tighter, as you continued your soothing strokes through his hair. A minute later, your two heartbeats became one. It was calming, just holding each other like this. Yet, you also took strength from it. It reminded you that you had someone to fight for, and to live for.

"Do you need to go?" Levi asked, his voice barely audible.

"No," you murmured. "I have a few hours yet."

The night was still young, and as long as you left before dawn, you could use the cover of darkness to make your way back to Hanji. Besides, you wanted to keep holding Levi for a while, with the hope that your embrace both comforted and strengthened him, as his did for you.

Levi pressed a gentle kiss to your neck, conveying his gratitude.

For the rest of your time together, your soft, shared breaths were the only sound in that dark space. Then your reprieve came to an end.

The two of you shared a slow, loving kiss, not parting until the need for oxygen demanded that you do so.

"Stay safe, my love," you whispered. "I know you'll get them back."

Levi merely nodded. He spoke no words, but his grey-blue gaze conveyed everything he couldn't say.

While Levi walked you out, the two of you kept a casual distance, as if you were just comrades and nothing more. His cadets were all asleep when you passed by the dwindling fire. You noticed Sasha among them, and you mentally remarked that she must have switched with one of the others.

Having already said goodbye, you left the warehouse in silence. However, you did allow yourself one last look at Levi. You knew it was possible that you would never see him again, though you prayed that wasn't the case. You prayed that Levi would keep on surviving, so that one day, he could know a life where there were no more impossible choices.

You nodded to the cadet who was now on guard duty, and then you set off into the night.

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