Captain, My Captain (Levi x Trainee Reader)

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Author's Note: I have recently been playing a lot of "Attack on Titan 2", and 10/10 would definitely recommend. The only thing missing is a romantic subplot with Levi. So, here you go.

The titan reached for you, and you thought, This is it. I'm dead.

But then a Scout appeared, slashing both titans' napes in the blink of an eye. You had never seen a soldier with that level of skill.

"Hey, brats, what's going on here?" the man asked in an icy voice.

Before you could answer, the ground shook with the footsteps of approaching titans.

"Tch," the man growled. "Anyone who has time, come with me!" Without waiting, he sped off toward the enemy.

You glanced to the other cadets. Eren was clearly out of commission after carrying that giant boulder, and Mikasa and Armin didn't look like they wanted to leave his side. That left only you.

"I'm going with the Scout," you told them, although you hated to leave. You were a few years older than the other cadets, and that made you feel like their big sister, in a way. Like you were responsible. "Take care, you three."

You rushed to join the solider who was already killing titans left and right. You landed beside him on a rooftop, and his steely gaze locked on you, assessing. "Hmm. You look like you still have some fight in you, Cadet. Help me out."

Even though you didn't know who this man was, he clearly outranked you, so you saluted. "Yes, sir!"

The two of you took off. You couldn't help being awestruck as you watched him slay the monsters again and again. You were pretty skilled for a cadet, but even so, you were nowhere near his level. Still, you did your best to help where you could.

Along the way, you met up with other Scouts. They all seemed to know each other well. From their bits of conversation in between titans, you picked up on their names, one by one.

Oluo. Petra. Gunter. Eld. Hanji. And...oh, God help you.

All this time, you had been slaying titans with Humanity's Strongest Soldier, Captain Levi.

When the area was clear, you ascended the Wall with the Scouts. Unsure of where to go from there, you stood awkwardly off to the side, waiting for someone to tell you what to do.

After a few minutes, Rico Brzenska – one of the Garrison elites who had helped protect Eren – appeared. With her was a tall man wearing the insignia of a regiment commander.

"I'm sorry we can't be of more use," he was saying to Rico.

"No. We appreciate the reinforcements," she replied. "If we were on our own..."

The commander turned to the raven-haired captain. "Good work, Levi."

To your utter shock, Captain Levi replied, "If you mean to thank me, you should thank this kid instead." He jerked his chin toward you.

Suddenly, you felt the full force of everyone's eyes on you. You barely managed to keep the surprise from your face. Did Humanity's Strongest Soldier just...compliment you?

"A cadet?" the commander asked.

"A member of the 104th, who helped defend Eren while he patched the Wall," Rico explained.

"I see," Erwin stated. Then his intense gaze turned to you. "You did well to stand up to your fears and fight, Cadet."

The praise made your heart swell within your chest, and you saluted.

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