Kindness (Levi x Grim Reaper Reader)

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Author's Note: This was updated on 7/26/20. I hope you enjoy!


"I'm here."

Without hesitation, Levi gripped the soldier's filthy hand, comforting him in his last moments.

"Was I...helpful?" the soldier croaked. "Did I...make a difference?"

"You did," Levi stated solemnly. "We've accomplished great things today, because of you. Rest easy, now. Let us take it from here."

The soldier smiled softly, and breathed his last.

Levi sighed, then gently laid the man's hand on top of his bloodstained chest before rising to his feet. He hated this. He hated watching his comrades die, even the ones he barely knew. Yet, he maintained his stoic mask. He had to stay strong for the ones that were still alive and fighting.

Levi turned to go, but after taking a few steps, he heard a woman's voice behind him. Except, that was impossible. He had been the only person in this area – the only living person, anyway.

Levi whirled around, and sure enough, he saw a woman there. She paid him no mind. Instead, her attention was focused on the man standing in front of her. He looked like...but it couldn't be...

She was speaking with the soldier who had been dead on the ground only a few moments ago. Yet, when Levi looked, the body was still there. Were there two of him?

Upon closer inspection, the man who was standing didn't look right. Levi realized a second later that he was nearly transparent. However, there was no mistaking his face. It was the same man. But how was that possible?

"You did well," the woman said kindly. "I know you'll find peace."

The transparent soldier smiled. Then he disappeared.

"What..." Levi stammered, gaping at the woman, "...what was that? Who are you?"

The woman's brow furrowed in confusion. She looked over her right shoulder, then her left. When she didn't see anyone, she turned back to Levi and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

Levi blinked. "Of course I'm talking to you," he snapped. "There's no one else here."

The woman tilted her head. "You can actually see me?"

"Obviously," Levi grumbled, starting to lose his patience. "Now answer my question."

The woman ignored him. Looking mildly perplexed, she pulled a notebook from her pocket and started flipping through it. "Strange," she hummed. "I didn't think you were on the To-Die List today, Captain Levi of the Scouts."

"The what?" Levi asked incredulously.

Again, she ignored him. She stopped at a certain page and skimmed her finger across it while she read. "Nope. I was right. You're not here." She closed the book and returned her attention to Levi. "Hmm. I wonder why you can see me. You shouldn't be able to. Do you have any ideas?"

"Why don't you start by answering my question?" Levi hissed. "I don't even know who – or what – you are."

"Well, I'm not really supposed to tell you," she mused. "But I suppose there's no point in hiding it, since you can see me. I'm a Grim Reaper."

Levi's eyebrows shot up. "You're...what?"

"A Grim Reaper," she repeated matter-of-factly. "I harvest the souls of the dead and help them move on." She looked around a bit, then added, "The Scouts have been keeping me very busy today."

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