Wedding Night (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello again! This is another version of the previous oneshot, "The Talk". Levi and Reader-chan are married in this one, so things are a little saucier, but I still kept it PG-13. As with the last chapter, if anything about this subject bothers you, please feel free to skip, and I'll see you on the other side!

Today really had been the best day of your life. In a beautiful church and surrounded by all of your friends, you had married the man you loved with all your heart – Captain Levi Ackerman. After the reception, the two of you had taken a carriage to a house you didn't recognize, a house that Levi had secretly purchased to be your new home. Surprised and overjoyed, you had dragged him inside, begging for a tour.

The tour had ended in your shared bedroom, where things were now getting quite heated. That was to be expected – it was your wedding night, after all. You wore nothing but the lacy garments that Hanji had insisted on buying for you, while Levi had removed his shirt, exposing his god-like torso. As you both continued to make out excitedly, you laid yourself down on the bed, pulling Levi on top of you.

Suddenly, Levi jerked back. He panted heavily, and his brow furrowed as if he were in pain. He averted his gaze from you. "I'm s-sorry, I..." he trailed off, too ashamed to voice what he was feeling.

Like a splash of cold water, seeing him upset immediately calmed your heated state. "Hey," you breathed, sitting upright. "It's okay. Just tell me what's wrong."

He bit his lip, but said nothing.

A thousand possibilities ran through your mind, chief among them being that you had done something wrong, or worse, that he didn't find you attractive. You shoved that insecurity aside and murmured, "Levi, whatever it is, you can tell me."

He took a deep breath, as if working up the courage to answer you. "I...I want to, (f/n). I do." His voice was hoarse, pleading with you to understand. "But...I can't help but reminds me of..."

You realized what he was trying to say, and your heart broke. "It reminds you of your mother," you whispered, sparing him from finishing the sentence.

Levi squeezed his eyes shut. "I'm sorry," he hissed. "It shouldn't bother me..."

"No," you breathed. "Levi, no. What you and your mother went was horrible. Of course it would affect you. It's okay." You wanted to take him in your arms and comfort him, but you resisted the urge, in case he didn't want to be touched at all right now.

"But we're married," he mumbled. "We're supposed to...I'm supposed to, and...I do want to...I just..."

"Levi, listen to me," you said gently. "I love you, and I never want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You should feel completely safe in this marriage. So if you're not ready now, that's perfectly okay. We can wait. I'll still love you. And...if you ever decided that you were wouldn't be like those men you saw with your mother, Levi," you assured him.

You glanced at the sheets, a light blush gracing your cheeks as you continued, "I wouldn't know from experience, but...I have heard that it's different...if you love someone. It's not just about pleasure, though that is a part of it. It's...more of a way to express how much you love and trust that person, so much so that you don't want any barriers between you." You felt your cheeks redden further as you explained, "You give yourself to them, and in return, they give themselves to you. And yes, it feels good, but I think...if you love'd want them to feel good..." You stopped, not wanting to sound like you were pressuring him.

You glanced up to find Levi already looking at you, a mix of emotions in his grey-blue orbs. "But like I said, I don't want to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you're not ready tonight, that's fine. And if you're never ready, then that's fine, too." You placed a hand over his chest. "This – your heart – is all I want, Levi. Do I have it?"

Tears formed in the corners of his eyes. "Yes," he whispered.

You beamed, then gently wrapped him in a hug. "Then you've already made me the happiest woman in the world," you said into his ear. "Anything else is just a bonus."

Levi hugged you back tightly. After a few minutes, he mumbled, "Thank you. And...I do want you..." He stroked your spine, sending shivers throughout your body.

You pulled back so you could look him in the eye. "Are you sure?" you asked softly. "We don't have to."

"I'm sure." He lovingly brushed his fingers through your bangs, down to the ends of your silky hair. "I...I'd be comfortable...with you..." He met your gaze with absolute sincerity, mixed with an undertone of desire. A blush started to form on his cheeks.

"Okay," you breathed, giving him a gentle smile. "We'll go slow."

He nodded, then leaned into you.

You cupped his cheek in your hand and brought your lips to his. As the room became hotter, you shifted, gently guiding him to lie down on the pillows beneath you. Pulling back to meet his gaze, you whispered, "If you want me to stop, at any time, just say so."

"I trust you, (f/n)," was his only reply as he reached up to continue the kiss, pressing his lips tenderly to yours. "I love you." 

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