The Family We Make (Adoptive Parents Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Slight spoilers from chapter 115 of the manga.

There were several reasons why you and Levi wanted to adopt a child. One being that, after so many years without a family, Levi longed for one of his own. Two, you were hesitant to go through pregnancy and childbirth because of how drastically it would alter your body, and Levi respected that. And three, you just happened to find the perfect addition to your little family.

It all started when Queen Historia opened an orphanage at the old Reiss estate for children from the Underground. Many of the Scouts liked to visit and help out whenever they had a break from missions, you and Levi included. Although Levi never said it, you could tell how much the orphanage meant to him, given his past.

The children loved to hang around you and your comrades while you worked, and occasionally, they would coax you into playing with them or reading them a story. It was during these instances that a certain little girl stole your heart.

One day, you braided her hair. The next, she fell asleep with her head in your lap. The next, you walked in to find her and Levi deeply engrossed in a puzzle. Levi's eyes lifted to meet yours, and you knew he felt the same way.

Obviously, adopting a child while you were fighting a war was out of the question. But afterwards, when the war was done and life had settled down, you and Levi agreed that it was finally time.

However, when the big day arrived, you were surprised to find that Levi looked sad.

"What is it, love?" you asked, placing a hand on his cheek.

Levi's gaze fell. "She hasn't seen the scars yet. Or my hand," he mumbled. "What if..."

Your expression crumpled. "What? You think she won't like you? Come on, Levi. You know her. A little thing like this isn't going to scare her away." You pecked his nose, then smirked. "Besides, I think you look rather handsome and roguish. I bet all of her friends will tell her how hot her dad is when she's a teenager."

For a brief moment, the corner of Levi's mouth turned upward. But then it was gone, and he once again looked sad.

Your brow furrowed. "There's something else, isn't there?"

Levi bit his lip, then muttered, "What if I'm not cut out for this? I mean, to be"

You gave him a soft, reassuring smile. You understood why he might be worried, on top of the normal new-parent nerves. Levi had never even known his biological father, and Kenny was...well, Kenny. After teaching Levi how to fight and steal and kill, Kenny left him because of the very fear that Levi had just voiced. Thus, Levi hadn't exactly experienced any great fatherly role models.

Luckily, you knew for certain that his fears were unfounded. You wrapped him in a hug and said, "You're going to be a great dad, Levi. I saw those fatherly instincts all the time when you were in charge of the kids from the 104th. Trust me, you're a natural."

You felt Levi relax in your arms, and a second later, he returned your hug. "Thank you, (f/n)," he murmured. "You'll be a great mom, too."

Your heart fluttered at those words.

You pulled away and took a deep breath. "Okay. Let's go get her."


With all the uncertainty you faced during the war, you never even hinted to the girl that you wanted to adopt her. You couldn't bear to get her hopes up, in case you and Levi died. So she was understandably confused when she was summoned to the sitting room, where you, Levi, and the director of the orphanage were waiting for her.

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