A Pirate's Life (Pirate Levi x Abused Reader AU)

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Pain shot through your body with every tug of the rope. But you couldn't stop. You couldn't even slow down. That's what got you beaten the last time.

Although, if you were being honest with yourself, the captain always found a reason to beat you no matter how hard you tried. Sometimes he used a belt, others a cane, others his fists. And when he couldn't be bothered, he let his cronies do the beating for him. You were used to it by now. You were also used to the insults they flung at you, telling you how weak you were, how stupid, how worthless. You had heard it so many times that you were starting to believe it.

The one, small mercy was that no one on this ship had figured out you were a woman yet. If they did, you had a pretty good idea of how your punishments would be altered, and the changes wouldn't be in your favor. Thus, you kept up your disguise like your life depended on it.

As terrible as life was aboard this merchant vessel, life would be even worse off it. You had no family and no money, and thus you would only starve on the streets. Your wages for working on the ship were practically nothing, so you had no hope of saving enough to start a new life elsewhere.

You were stuck...or so you thought.

The warning bell rang out, but too late. The pirate ship overtook yours so fast that it seemed to appear out of nowhere. You saw the Jolly Roger flying atop its mast, and you knew what it meant – mercy if you surrendered, death if you resisted. And even though the officers were screaming at the crew to fight, every sailor on your ship was too terrified to pick up a weapon. Your captain's wrath was horrible, but it was nothing next to the devilish cruelty of pirates. Minutes later, one of your crewmates raised a white flag.

The pirates boarded, gathered the crew, and lined you all up on deck with brutal efficiency. You were forced to kneel as they looted the ship around you. While they seemed raucous and excited by their victory, you were surprised to find that they didn't look like the demons people said they were. They scared you, to be sure, but they were definitely human.

Then their captain came aboard.

You tried to fix your eyes on the ground, but for some reason, they kept drifting back to that man. He was shorter than you would've expected, with raven-black hair and grey-blue eyes. He was extremely clean, not a speck of dirt or sweat on him. While his crew was boisterous, he appeared cold and calm. And there was something about his eyes – something that drew you in.

Suddenly, those piercing blue eyes flicked to yours.

You gasped, then quickly looked at the ground. But you were too late.

The sound of his boots on the deck grew louder and louder, until they stopped directly in front of you. A moment later, a gloved hand grabbed your chin and yanked it up.

You were forced to look the pirate captain dead in the eye.

"Tell me the truth," he commanded, so quietly that only you could hear. "Does your captain treat you fairly?"

You froze in shock. You didn't know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn't that. Why would a pirate care if you were treated fairly? Pirates tortured people for fun – they didn't care about fairness or human decency. However, as you looked into the captain's eyes, you somehow felt like you could trust him.

"No," you breathed, your lips barely moving.

"Does he hurt you?"

You shivered involuntarily, and your throat constricted. It didn't matter, though. The fear in your eyes told the pirate captain enough.

He released you and stood. "Gentlemen," he said, loud enough for his whole crew to hear, "the captain and his officers need to be taught a lesson. See that it's done."

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