Touch (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Thank you all for 2K likes! 

It seemed like Levi Ackerman couldn't stop touching you, in the most innocent way.

Whenever you sat down, he was always close enough for your legs to press against each other, or at least for your fingers to brush. Whenever you went out, he always held your hand, or kept an arm around your waist. Even when you were doing chores around the house, he would stop periodically to ruffle your hair, or pat your shoulder, or caress your cheek. And most of the time, you doubted that he even realized he was doing it.

Anyone who knew him would think it odd, because Levi typically didn't want to touch or be touched by anyone. However, you were never surprised, because you understood completely why he did it.

Throughout his life, Levi had lost nearly every single person who was important to him. His mother passed away when he was only a few years old. His uncle Kenny abandoned him when he was a teenager, then returned decades later, only to die. Levi's best friends, Isabel and Farlan, were devoured on their first expedition. Every member of the squad he had hand-picked himself was murdered by the Female Titan. And Erwin, the man Levi looked up to like a king, sacrificed his life in the battle to retake Wall Maria.

Levi never got over any of it.

That was why he had been so terrified of falling in love with you. But he couldn't help it. His feelings were what they were, like gravity, or the endless flow of time. Nothing could change them. And nothing could change your feelings for him.

He almost lost you, once. Even being skilled as you were, the harsh reality of your situation was that anyone could die at any time. You would have fallen prey to that cruel fate, but luckily, Levi snatched you from the jaws of death with the strength that only he possessed.

Before that day, he kept his fear of losing you locked away in his heart. But after it, you could sometimes see the barest hint of anxiety in his eyes when he looked at you – the horror of what would have happened had he not been there, and of what could still happen in the future.

Remarkably, you both survived the war, and together you were learning how to live without constantly looking over your shoulder. Yet, that fear that Levi held in his heart never really went away. He needed to remind himself, even subconsciously, that you were still alive and with him. Thus, the touching.

You didn't mind – not at all. But even if you hadn't enjoyed it, you would have welcomed it anyway, knowing how much he needed it. Everyone coped with the war in their own way, and you loved Levi too much not to support him by whatever means possible.

So whenever you lay down together at night, you held him close. You pressed his ear to your heart, or guided his fingers to your pulse, knowing he couldn't sleep properly unless he felt you safe and sound in his arms. And you reminded him, with a whisper, with a kiss, with a caress, that you would always stay by his side.

And while his touches were the ones that calmed him, your touches were the ones that made him feel loved.

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