Author's Note: Be Careful What You Wish For

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Hello, all you wonderful readers! I wrote a new, multi-part story that I hope you'll check out! Here's the teaser of "Be Careful What You Wish For":

"One night at a carnival, you wish for a world where the man you love never has to fight. Although it seems innocent enough, that wish soon spirals out of control. But what happens in a world where Levi never fights, where he never joins the Scouts, where Kenny never raises him? You are about to find out - and hopefully fix things before humanity's future is lost forever."

I will say that this story has mentions of prostitution and abuse, as well as an implied lemon. If any of that bothers you, please feel free to skip it. Maybe eat a cookie for me instead.

But if you would like to read, please follow the link below, and be careful what you wish for!

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