Mamoru Mono ga Aru (Levi x Demon Slayer Reader)

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Author's Note: This is a "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" crossover, and thus it may contain spoilers for that series. Please take care.

"Get out of here!" the young woman shouted.

But Levi didn't move.

Most people would have been afraid. However, Levi was more curious than anything. Maybe a few years of being the top dog down here had given him a false sense of security. Regardless, he wasn't about to leave without knowing who won this fight...

The woman with the katana, or the monster that had attacked him.

It had looked human, at first. Then Levi had noticed its slitted pupils, its claw-like fingernails, and its deathly paleness that was unnatural even in the Underground. Levi had fought the most powerful street lords in this city and never met his match. Yet, this thing was stronger and faster than him, by far.

Levi didn't know how this woman was keeping up with it. But she was. More than that, she was winning.

The two fought so fast that Levi could barely follow them. He didn't see the strike that severed the monster's head from its body. One instant, it was there. The next, it was rolling on the ground.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any weirder, the monster's body dissolved into thin air.

"What was that thing?" Levi asked.

The woman turned to face him. "A demon," she stated. Her face looked almost bored, as if she had done this a thousand times. Maybe she had.

Levi opened his mouth to question her further, but then he noticed the blood dripping down her arm. "You're hurt," he muttered.

She shrugged it off. "This is nothing. I can take care of it."

She made a move to leave, but Levi called out, "Wait!"

He couldn't explain why he did it. Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe it was his pride, not wanting to be indebted to this woman for saving him. Whatever the reason, he offered, "Let me help. My place isn't too far."

The woman looked like she was about to refuse, so Levi added, "As a thank-you for killing that thing."

The woman leveled her gaze at him, considering. Levi could tell that she was perceptive, and she heard the words he didn't say.

Let him help her – to settle the life-debt he owed her.

"What's your name?" she asked.


"Well, Levi," she began, those piercing eyes still locked on his, "lead the way."

As the woman fell into step beside him, Levi asked flatly, "Are you going to tell me your name?"

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "It's (f/n)."

The rest of their walk was spent in silence. When they arrived at Levi's house, he had (f/n) sit at the kitchen table while he began cleaning her wound.

As Levi applied a warm cloth to her skin, she tilted her head, considering him. "Why didn't you run? Were you too scared to move?" She didn't seem to be mocking him, just curious.

Even so, Levi scoffed. "Tch. I wasn't scared."

"Then you're stupid," she said bluntly. "That demon could have eaten you alive."

Levi bristled at the insult, but he decided that he wanted information more than a petty fight. "How did you kill it?"

"I'm a demon slayer," she explained. "It's my job."

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