Life after War (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Well, my lovelies, here we are at the 200th part! This is the maximum amount of chapters that Wattpad allows for any book, but fear not. I will be creating a second Levi x Reader oneshot book, and I will post the link in the comments shortly. Alternatively, you will be able to find it through my Wattpad profile. 

From the bottom of my dark heart, I would like to thank you all for coming on this incredible journey with me. I truly never expected to write so much, but it seems that the more I write, the more ideas pop into my head. And the whole time, you all have been so supportive that it blows my mind. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Finally, on a less sappy note, this story contains all the spoilers for the end of the manga. You have been warned! However, if you'd still like to continue, I wish you happy reading!

After the war, the veterans of the final battle settled in a far-away town that had remained unscathed by the Rumbling – all except Mikasa, who returned to Paradis to bury Eren. It was a nice-enough place, though the strange technology took some getting used to. And then, Levi had the extra hurdle of coping with his extensive injuries.

When all was said and done, scars covered his face. He would never see from his right eye again – the blindness made obvious by the starkly pale color of his iris and pupil. Two fingers on his right hand were gone. And with the muscles and bones of his left knee having been crushed by a titan's teeth, he would be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

He tried not to let such things bother him too much. After all, there would no longer be a need for him to fight, and he could still do most of his daily routine on his own. However, cleaning was a bit difficult, and reaching things on high shelves was even more impossible than it had been before.

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, the rest of the survivors from that final battle were available and eager to help with whatever he needed. Gabi and Falco actually lived with him in his house, and they had picked up the habit of calling him "Uncle Levi". The term was met with a scoff or an eyeroll from the ravenette each time they used it, but if he were being honest with himself, he didn't mind it at all. It reminded him that, despite all the people he had lost, he still wasn't alone. Although, it was strange that his two closest companions were nearly thirty years younger than him, and also quite likely in love with each other.

The adults among their little group lived nearby, and they popped into Levi's house every day, wanting to feel a sense of camaraderie from the few people they knew in this foreign land. Thus, Levi's humble home was turned into their unofficial gathering place. And on days when the weather was nice, they all went out into the city.

On one such occasion, they decided to visit a charming little café near the center of town. Apparently, it did quite a business, considering the fair amount of people that were going in and out. Thankfully, their comparatively large group was still able to find a table after placing their order at the counter.

A few minutes later, a woman who looked to be in her twenties brought out their order. Levi paid her little mind, more interested in the tea she placed in front of him. Despite the size of their new city, he hadn't yet found a place that served passable tea. Thus, he wasn't hopeful, but he figured it was still worth a shot.

Yet, when the drink touched Levi's tongue, angels sang in his head. Not only was it the best cup of tea he'd tasted since the war ended, but it was actually on par with the tea he himself brewed. He could hardly believe it.

"Excuse me, miss," he said, turning around to catch the attention of the waitress as she walked by. "Who made this tea?"

"I did," she replied, holding an empty tray flat against her chest. "Is it not to your liking? I can remake it."

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