Fanfiction (Levi x Writer Reader)

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You leaned back in your chair and stretched, a huge yawn escaping your lips. And it was no wonder – the clock on the wall told you that it was several hours past your normal bedtime. However, you returned your gaze to your computer and kept typing, wanting to complete this draft before going to bed. You were so close. You were sure that you could finish if you worked for just a few more minutes.

You couldn't think of how to write the ending, so you decided to go back and read what you had so far, hoping that the rest would flow naturally. But your focus kept fading. You felt like you were reading the same sentence over and over. You felt like you were reading the same sentence over and over. You felt like...

By the time your head fell forward into your arms, you were already asleep.


Hesitantly, Levi prepared for bed. He had been having strange dreams lately. They weren't his normal friends-being-devoured nightmares, which he supposed was a blessing. However, they were still a little...unsettling, albeit in a different way.

In most of them, he was still a soldier in the Survey Corps. But sometimes, he had a completely different job in a completely different place, as if he were living in an alternate reality. The sole constant throughout all of his dreams was a woman – one that Levi was certain he had never met before. She was taller than him, with silky (h/c) hair and stunning (e/c) eyes. Levi couldn't help but think that she was beautiful.

His relationship with this woman varied from dream to dream, but they were always connected in some way – usually, a romantic one. This was where things became a bit unsettling for Levi, as he never really cared much for romance. He had never even been in a relationship in real life, so he couldn't imagine why he would dream of one with a girl he had never met. But he did. In some cases, they were only just admitting their feelings for each other, while in others, they had been a couple for months, or years. Sometimes, they were even married, which was a future that Levi had never considered for himself. But during his dreams, he truly felt as if he loved this woman. He had laughed with her, cried with her, hugged and cuddled and kissed her. (Thankfully, they had never done more than that. Levi didn't know what he would do if he started having those types of dreams.)

Yet, odd as it was, his relationship with this woman was not the strangest part of these dreams. Throughout each of them, in the back of his mind, he was faintly aware of words being written on a page. No one was penning them – they just appeared on their own. And whatever those words said, that's what was happening in his dream. Occasionally, the words would disappear and be replaced with new ones. He hated when this happened, because then the dream would rewind and play out differently – occasionally, multiple times in a row – and it was rather disorienting. However, he did usually like the new story better than the old one.

With a soft sigh, Levi climbed into his bed. Although the dreams were strange, a small part of him was actually hoping that he would have one again tonight. He knew it probably wasn't a good thing, but...he wanted to see that woman again. Her comforting presence was a welcome reprieve from his cruel reality, even if it only lasted a few minutes.

Levi fell asleep with her name on his lips.


Levi awoke to the sound of gentle breathing.

His eyelids fluttered open, and there she was, sleeping peacefully next to him. He couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips, or the warmth that spread through his chest upon seeing her angelic face on his pillow.

Levi reached out through the darkness and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. Without waking up, she nuzzled into his chest, as if she instinctively wanted to be near him. His smile grew, then, and he delicately stroked her hair with his fingers.

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