A Vacation from the Vacation (Husband Levi x Wife Reader Modern AU)

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You and your husband, Levi, had both been putting in long hours at work recently. Even though you worked for different companies, you each just happened to get hit with a big project at the same time. Thus, it had been a busy two weeks, and neither of you had gotten a chance to relax.

At last, those projects came to an end, and you and Levi were given a little room to breathe. The two of you wanted to do something to unwind, but you didn't have the time to plan a huge vacation. Thus, you decided to take a weekend trip to a nearby resort.

The pictures online looked amazing, and it had stellar reviews. To top it off, it was situated along the waterfront, giving its guests access to the fun-filled boardwalk, as well as a gorgeous view of the lake. Furthermore, the drive to get there from your home was only half an hour long.

You and Levi planned to arrive on Saturday afternoon, stay the night, and leave after lunch on Sunday. It wasn't much, but it was the most you could do without missing work or spending too much money. Besides, you figured twenty-four hours would be enough time.

When you arrived, the resort somehow seemed even better than it had online, and you understood why it was so expensive. Everything about it filled you with excitement – the quality, the décor, the view. It was extremely luxurious, and surely the perfect place for a mini vacation.

Or at least, it was...until things started to go wrong.

First, all the waterfront restaurants were full for dinner. When you two finally decided to just grab food at a bakery, it ended up tasting flat. Technically, it was still edible, but definitely not worth the price you paid for it.

Next, when you returned to your room for a relaxing evening of reading books, the people in the surrounding rooms kept making too much noise. Kids were yelling. A bass was thumping somewhere. It definitely was not a restful environment, and even when the night grew late enough that you and your husband decided to go to sleep, the noise continued, keeping you awake.

The following morning, you two arrived at the restaurant where you had made a breakfast reservation online. While you had been waiting on the hotel guests around you to quiet down last night, you thought it might be a good idea, considering the trouble you had with finding a place for dinner. However, once there, you discovered that in your sleep-deprived state, you had accidentally made the reservation for the wrong day. Thankfully, the restaurant was still able to seat you. However, you felt terrible for causing problems, as well as almost ruining breakfast for Levi, even though he assured you that it wasn't a big deal.

Yet, maybe it would have been better if you hadn't gotten into the restaurant. Although it looked nice (and was priced to match), the food wasn't great. You felt frustrated at having to pay top dollar for a so-so dish two meals in a row, and when combined with the noise from last night, the little annoyances were starting to snowball.

Once it was time to check out, you were almost glad to leave. After packing up your things, you and Levi tried to find a side door that was close to both your room and your car, since the front entrance was quite a distance away. However, the hotel was huge and built like a maze – or at least, it seemed that way to people as unfamiliar with the layout as you two. You ended up getting lost several times before finally giving up and dragging your stuff back to the lobby. From there, you had to go outside and trek halfway around the massive building to your parking spot. The walk was especially taxing for you, given that you didn't have chiseled muscles to haul your luggage with like Levi did. He offered to help, but you refused, feeling like it was only fair for you to carry what you brought.

Finally – thank God – you two slumped into your car. By this point, you were more than ready to return to the familiar comforts of home, and you felt frustrated that this "vacation" had left an overall bad impression. You had come here to relax, but instead, you were more stressed than ever.

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