Nightmares and Sweet Dreams (Scared Levi x Reader)

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It was well past midnight as you sat in your office, slowly making your way through the mound of paperwork on your desk. A knock on your door made you look up. Who else would be awake at this hour?

"Come in," you called softly.

The door opened to reveal Captain Levi, holding yet another stack of paperwork in his hand. "Hanji wants your signatures on these too," he explained as crossed the room to your desk.

You groaned inwardly. Just because you had been on guard duty during her experiments didn't mean that you needed to verify exactly how many times she tried to tickle Bean with a feather duster.

As Levi laid the papers on your desk, you glanced up at him. Of course, he would be the only other person awake in the middle of the night. After knowing him for years – ever since he joined the Scouts, in fact – you had gathered that he was a huge insomniac. He typically slept about two to three hours per day. Although lately, it seemed like he was sleeping even less than that, if at all. The bags under his eyes were darker than usual, and his sharp grey-blue gaze was laced with exhaustion.

"When was the last time you slept, Levi?" you asked. Since you and Levi were friends – or at least, you thought you were – you never bothered with the formalities when addressing each other.

Levi averted his eyes. "I'm fine," he growled.

You raised your eyebrows and stated flatly, "Clearly, you're not."

Levi scoffed.

"Want me to prove it?" you asked, rising from your chair and walking around the desk until you stood directly in front of him.

Levi stared at you expressionlessly. "And how exactly do you plan to –"

Before he could finish, you hooked your foot behind his to throw him off balance, caught him as he fell, and promptly tossed him onto your couch. "Wow," you mused. "This is worse than I thought. I mean, I actually got the drop on you, for once."

Levi's shocked expression was quickly replaced by anger. "Brat!" he hissed, starting to rise. "What in the –"

You pinned him down, and you could feel his muscles shaking from the lack of sleep. "Come on, Levi. You have to admit that you need rest. You're so exhausted that you can't even fight back right now."

"Get off me!" he snarled.

"Not until you agree to go to sleep."

Levi glared at you, baring his teeth. "Fine. Just get off."

You stood. Levi tried to rise again, only to have you push him back down and throw a blanket on top of him. "Sleep," you instructed.

Levi looked at you incredulously. "You expect me to sleep here?"

"Yes. You think I trust you to keep your word once you're out of my sight?" you replied flatly. You grabbed a book and sat in the chair next to him, leaving the rest of your paperwork for tomorrow. 


Levi opened his mouth to protest some more, but then he thought better of it. As much as he hated to admit it, (f/n) was right. He was so exhausted that he had let his guard down, and (f/n) had taken full advantage of that. In fact, he was lucky it was (f/n) that attacked him and not a titan.

However, if he allowed himself to sleep...the nightmares would come.

Still, he couldn't go on like this. He just had to suck it up and hope death wouldn't haunt him when he closed his eyes. Even though it always did.

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