Protecting Each Other (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello lovelies! I have a few notes on this one, and they are important, so please read them.

First, this part contains non-consensual touching, including grinding. It also discusses emotional trauma related to such activities. Please don't read if this will trigger bad things for you.

Second, there will be another version of this story with Levi and the reader switching roles, so keep an eye out. It probably won't be the story immediately following this one, because I want to give you something lighter after putting you through this.

Third, this is probably the longest oneshot I've written, so I hope that's okay. 

Lastly, happy 150th chapter! (Although it really isn't a super happy story. I'll make it up to you later. Gomen)

"Wow, remind me to bring you along every time I go to a club," you muttered, clearly impressed as you followed Levi down the lamplit street.

"Tch," he grumbled. "Why did you even go there, anyway? Doesn't seem like your thing."

You shrugged. "What can I say?" you sighed airily. "Hanji blackmailed me."

He raised an eyebrow. "What did she blackmail you with?"

You turned away, hiding the nervous look on your face. "Ah...nothing important." Just my long-standing crush on you.

"Tch. Whatever."

You gave an internal sigh of relief, thankful that your best friend wasn't one to pry. Things had been that way between you two ever since you started hanging out. You were always available to listen, always willing to keep each other's secrets – which you did plenty of – but if one of you didn't want to talk, the other respected that.

On top of said respect, Levi was a great friend for many other reasons. Like tonight, when he had tagged along at the last minute because he was concerned about your safety, considering that Hanji and the others weren't very attentive once they'd had a few drinks. There were probably a million other things he would have rather been doing this evening, but he had given them up to go with you.

Good thing, too, because he had been right about the others losing you in the crowd. They dragged you off to dance – abandoning Levi at the bar with his drink – and then promptly disappeared, impossible to find thanks to the low lighting and thick wall of bodies. A trio of men had decided to take advantage of your disorientation, and they somehow managed to herd you into a deserted hallway while you were searching for your friends. Thankfully, Levi was looking out for you, and he quickly dispatched your would-be attackers before escorting you back to HQ.

The rest of your walk was spent in silence, but it was the comfortable silence shared between friends. Despite what had almost happened to you tonight, you weren't upset. After all, Levi had protected you, and now you were getting to spend time with him. It wasn't that bad, all things considered.

It wasn't too late when you arrived at HQ, so Levi offered to make you some tea before bed. You happily agreed and followed him first to the kitchen, then to his office. The two of you sat side-by-side on his couch, sipping your tea in front of the fireplace. Again, neither of you said much, but you enjoyed yourself nonetheless.

When you finished your last sip, you placed your cup in the saucer with a soft clink. "Well, I should get going," you murmured. After all, you still had some paperwork to finish before the night was over. Oh, the joys of being a squad leader. "Thanks for the tea. And...for earlier, too. I really appreciate you coming to the club with me."

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now