Unravel (Levi x Ghoul Reader)

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The darkened city of Trost passed by in a blur. Unforgiving stone dug into your bare feet with every step you took. But you kept going.


The cold air bit into your skin. Tears turned to icy droplets as they flowed down your cheeks. But you kept going.


You tripped over the uneven street and fell forward into a large puddle, catching yourself with your hands. As you looked into the water, small ripples slightly distorted your reflection. For just a moment, you looked like the girl you used to be, the girl you still should be.

Then the ripples stopped. And you saw red eyes staring back at you.

This wasn't fair. You weren't supposed to be like this. You were supposed to be human. That was how you were born. That was what you were, until that night eight years ago.

You smacked your reflection out of the water, and then you kept running.

Why? Why did this have to happen tonight – at a military ball, of all things? Why did those two drunk cadets have to get into a fight, their blood dripping on the floor when you were already so hungry?

You skidded to a stop before you could slam into a crowd of people, gathered for some small festival. You clapped a hand over your mouth and nose, trying to block the onslaught of enticing scents as you backed against a wall.

A little girl, no more than five, turned to gaze at you with curious eyes. She wandered toward you, blissfully unaware that she was approaching a predator.

You gasped and pressed further into the wall. Your kagune slipped out, unbidden, from your back.

"Pretty," the child cooed.

You couldn't take it anymore. Without giving yourself time to think, you pushed through the crowd and kept running. You could hear their surprised gasps and shouts in your wake, but you didn't look back.



No. Not him. Not now. You couldn't bear to face him, not like this...


You moved faster, your blue dress and red kagune streaming behind you like bloody water. Wall Rose was directly ahead, and you knew what you had to do.


Your keen ears heard the sounds of several more soldiers joining the pursuit, but none were as fast as him. None were as close.

He called out to you again, and again. Screaming your name. Pleading with you to stop.

You nearly did. You almost wanted him to catch you, in the futile hope that he would somehow make everything alright. That you could forget about this and go back to the way things were before. But those happy days were a lie. You had made them a lie.

You reached the Wall and scaled it, pulling yourself up to the top. You ran to the opposite edge, looked down, and...you hesitated.

That was when Levi finally caught up with you.

"(F/n)!" he heaved as he landed and immediately moved toward you. He was still wearing his formal clothes, with his ODM gear thrown on overtop.

"Stay away!" you screeched, whirling to face him. In your haste, one of your feet nearly slipped off the Wall, and you gasped.

Levi froze, painfully aware of how close you were to the edge. "(F/n)," he said gently, holding his hands out in a placating gesture. "Please come back. Whatever this is, we can figure it out."

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