The Price (Levi x Reader)

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"You have to do something!" you insisted, nearly yelling at your commander. "We all know Levi is innocent! This is just a farce to weaken the Scout Regiment!"

"(F/n), we are trying," Erwin stated calmly. "But it's going to take time. The government is making us go through the whole bureaucratic process."

"They could be hurting him!" you exclaimed. "You know what they're like. While he's in their custody, they could beat him, or torture him, or God knows what else."

"Levi's tough. He can handle it." Despite his words, the barest glimmer of regret appeared in Erwin's eyes.

"Well, I can't handle it," you muttered as you stormed out.


It had been almost a week since Levi was arrested and charged with three counts of murder. You knew it was a complete sham, of course. Levi hadn't killed anyone since he left the Underground City, and that was years ago. The government had framed him because they knew that doing so would be a severe blow to the Scouts.

You couldn't sleep at night, because you were unable to stop imagining what they might be doing to him. The MP's had complete reign over anyone in their custody, and they were famous for abusing that control.

Your anxiety only grew when the MP's announced that they were going to publicly whip Levi for all the citizens to see. You knew it was retaliation for the Scouts not bending to their will. Levi was nothing more than a hostage.

"Get him out!" you screamed at Erwin. "If you can't do it legally, then send someone to break him out! Hell, I'll do it!"

"We can't, (f/n)," Erwin insisted as he tried to calm you down. "There's no way to rescue him without getting caught, and we can't afford to lose any more soldiers in the attempt." Erwin sighed. "We just have to keep trying through the legal channels."

You growled in frustration, going back to your room so that you could think in private. Erwin wouldn't help, but there had to be something you could do. There just had to be.

You didn't care what the price was. You would pay it.


They dragged him out in chains. His beautiful, pale skin was covered in cuts and bruises from where they had beaten him. But still, he held his head high, not giving them the satisfaction of seeing him break.

They forced him to kneel on the platform and tied his hands to posts. Then they ripped open his shirt, exposing his back to the cold air, and to what would come next.

An unforgiving voice rang out over the hushed crowd as the accusations against Levi were read. A signal was given, and the whip was raised.

Before it could fall, you vaulted onto the platform and threw your body over Levi's. "No!" you shouted, putting yourself between him and the whip.

The wielder looked to his commander for direction.

"(F/n), what are you doing?" Levi whispered frantically. "Get away!"

You shook your head.

"Move, girl, so that we can get on with it," the MP officer snapped.

"I won't!" you shouted, loud enough for the whole square to hear. "He doesn't deserve this! He's innocent!"

The MP paused, as if considering your words. Then he smiled sadistically. "You intend to take his punishment, then?"

You swallowed. "I will."

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