What You Are (Levi x Demon Reader)

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Naturally, it came as quite a shock when you found out that your father was a demon. Not just a bad person – a literal demon, with horns and everything. Your mother had successfully hidden the truth from you for over two decades of your life, and because you had never used your demonic powers, your appearance remained human.

That all changed when your duty as a Scout threw you into a dire situation. In order to save yourself and your comrades, you activated the powers that you didn't even know you had. You were skilled enough as a human, but since that fateful moment, everything was heightened to superhuman levels – speed, strength, agility, perception. You also gained night vision, as well as the ability to manipulate shadows.

The instant you unlocked your demonic powers, your appearance changed to reflect your heritage. You now had a barbed tail, black nails as sharp as claws, and horns that curved around your head like a crown. Your eyes were also unnaturally bright, as if the power behind them was shining through.

It took a lot of convincing to get the top brass to let you live. Thankfully, no one was a better advocate than Commander Erwin, and he fully believed in using your powers to help free humanity. Your captain, Levi, was also rather adamant about keeping you alive. He had been there when your powers first appeared, and he knew that you only wanted to use them to protect your comrades.

Several weeks had passed, and so far, nothing terrible had happened. You worked to master your demonic powers under the careful supervision of Captain Levi and Section Commander Hanji, who never missed a chance to experiment with the unknown. On top of these new sessions, you also kept up with your regular training. As a member of the Special Operations Squad, you couldn't afford to slack off, even if it was for a good reason.

After a grueling ODM session, Captain Levi told you all to shower and get changed, because you were going to run some errands in town. You and Petra returned to the girls' dormitory to freshen up, trying to be quick about it, since the captain could get rather impatient at times.

Fifteen minutes later, you stood in front of the mirror and fastened your cloak around your shoulders. You turned to leave, knowing the male soldiers would be waiting downstairs. However, you paused when you saw the uncertain way in which Petra was looking at you.

"Um," she began timidly, "maybe you should cover up the...you know."

"The what?" you asked, your brow furrowing in confusion.

Petra bit her lip, then pointed to her head. "The horns," she whispered, as if it were something terrible to say.

"O-oh," you stammered quietly, feeling like you had just been slapped. You hadn't given much thought to your appearance, but now that she mentioned it, both shame and sadness filled your chest. "Er, how would I do that?"

"I don't know," she replied. "Maybe put your hood up?"

You nodded meekly, then pulled your hood over your head, hiding your horns. You turned to check your reflection in the mirror, and you appeared quite human. The only thing that gave you away was the unnatural brightness of your eyes, peeking out from beneath the cloak. But you doubted anyone would notice.

As you stared into the glass, you felt your sadness growing.

"No," you muttered as you pulled the hood down.

"Does it...not work?" Petra asked.

"I'm not going to hide," you stated resolutely, turning to look her in the eye. "I won't pretend to be anything except what I am. And why should I? I haven't done anything wrong."

"W-well, that's true," Petra allowed hesitantly. "But...don't you think other people might be...uncomfortable?"

"Then that's their problem," you replied. "I'm not responsible for what other people think. I'm only responsible for how I act. And I've given them no reason to be uncomfortable around me. Their prejudices are their own doing. Besides, if all I do is hide, they'll never learn that they have nothing to be afraid of."

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