Carnevale (Levi x Reader)

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Tonight, Trost would come alive with the most outrageous party in all three Walls. Every street in the city was about to be packed with food, music, dancing, and thousands of masked partygoers. These annual festivities had a reputation for getting quite out-of-hand as the night progressed, but people expected nothing less. It was Carnevale, after all.

Although you were not one of the hard-core partiers, you looked forward to this festival every year. It was mostly because of the masks, you supposed. With them, everyone could be whoever they wanted, or no one at all. Rich or poor, soldier or civilian, commander or subordinate – none of it mattered. The masks made everyone equal. Not to mention, they looked incredibly alluring.

Everyone in your squad was planning to go together – everyone, that is, except for your captain, Levi. That came as no surprise, since he overtly despised raucous social gatherings. However, you were secretly hoping that he would come to the Carnevale festival anyway. After years of working together, the two of you had become close friends, and then – of course – you fell in love with him. You hid your feelings out of fear that he might not return them, but lately, you sensed that he perhaps felt the same way about you. 

Unfortunately, you couldn't be sure, since Levi was less expressive than a stone statue. You had hoped that if you two were caught up in the spirit of Carnevale, he might be encouraged to open up on the subject – perhaps even act on his feelings, if indeed he had them. But of course, that was just a silly dream. Levi would never go to the party, and you would be stuck stewing in your unrequited love until the day you were devoured by a titan.

But you still couldn't stop dreaming.

When you bought your own mask – a glittering, bird-like masterpiece with feathers sweeping up one side – you had asked for a more masculine version to match it. You knew before you made the request that Levi would never wear it, but you couldn't stop yourself from getting it anyway. You also couldn't stop yourself from picking a mask that was the exact color of his eyes.

Now, you stared down at that grey-blue piece in your hand while hovering outside Levi's door. You took a deep breath, then knocked.

"Name and business?"

"It's me. (F/n). May I come in?"

"Yes," Levi replied.

You pushed the door open, then clicked it shut behind you. Levi was seated at his desk, intently filling out a stack of paperwork. He didn't even look up as you entered.

"You look busy," you ventured, trying to sound casual. "Do you want any help with that?"

"No, thank you," he grumbled, still focused on the paper in front of him. Well, at least he remembered to say thank you.

"Okay then." Silence filled the room as you thought of how to broach the question that you came to ask.

"Um, Levi..." you began. (Since you were friends, Levi had asked you not to address him formally when you were alone.) "The whole squad is going to the Carnevale festival tonight, and I was wondering...would you like to join us?"


You sighed quietly. This was what you had expected, after all. You shouldn't have bothered hoping for anything different.

Your gaze fell to the mask in your hands. "Well, if you change your mind..." You crossed the room and delicately placed the mask on his desk. "...the carriage will be here at eight."

Levi showed no response. Without another word, you turned and quit the room. Only then did Levi glance up to see what you had left for him.


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