Melting for You (Levi x Cryokinetic Reader)

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Author's Note: Friendly reminder that if you have a request, please leave it on the Requests Page at the front of this book. A lot of people are dropping requests on various stories, and there is simply no way for me to keep track of those amidst the thousands of comments spread out across this book. Again, there is no guarantee that I will get to all requests, as I have a lot of stories in my queue already. However, there is a much better chance of them being seen if you leave them in the designated spot. Thank you!

You had never known despair like this.

Muscles aching, heart pounding, sweat and blood soaking your uniform as you gasped for breath. Time seemed to slow as you surveyed the carnage all around you. Roughly two hundred and fifty thousand refugees from Wall Maria had been sent along with the Scouts to reclaim lost territory. Now, what was left of them littered the once-grassy earth, painting it red to match the sunset sky.

You and your fellow Scouts had tried to protect them, but there were only three hundred of you – nowhere near enough. Still, your comrades bravely gave their lives, even though it was pointless in the end. The titans devoured them anyway.

"Hey, (l/n)!" Section Commander Mike roared from a few meters away. "Now isn't the time to think about them! Erwin just gave the order to withdrawal!"

"Yes, sir!" you cried, doing your best to muster your resolve. However, after half a day of watching everyone around you get eaten alive, you weren't sure you had any hope left to cling to.

"Finally," Squad Leader Levi uttered as he landed near you and Mike. "I was starting to think he'd have us stay here until we were all dead."

You cast Levi a sympathetic glance, having wondered the same thing yourself. Of course, you both knew it wasn't really Commander Erwin's call. He had his orders from Premier Zachary and the government. Even if he had refused them, it would have done more harm than good, since he would have simply been replaced as commander with someone who had no qualms about the mission. At least this way, he could minimize the damage as much as possible.

Everyone rushed to form ranks. As you steered your horse behind Mike's, you glanced around to see who was left. It looked like about two hundred people, a quarter of them being refugees. Less than one percent of the sad march that left Wall Rose this morning.

Even though you were retreating, you were far from safe. Titans caught up with you a mere kilometer from Trost, and since the people inside wouldn't risk opening the gate for you if you returned with those monsters on your heels, you were forced to stop and fight. But it quickly became a losing battle.

To your left, Nanaba screamed as she was crushed in a titan's grip. To your right, Mike became distracted by the sound just long enough for an abnormal to grab his cables and dangle him above its mouth. And were thrown to the ground, your gear shattering on impact, leaving you utterly defenseless.

None of you would make it out of this.

Desperate, you searched for anything that might save you. But there was nothing within reach – nothing except busted sheaths and the shattered blades inside them. And the titans around you were looming closer, their mouths opening to reveal bloodstained teeth.

Oh, God...

Just as panic started to take over, you felt something inside you, answering your call. You didn't have time to think, didn't have time for surprise or fear or hesitation. You grabbed tight to whatever it was, flinging it at the titans with all you had.

Ice burst forth, flying outward in all directions. It froze the earth beneath you, turning the bloodstained grass white, causing the horses to rear back in alarm. Frozen shards sharper than blades filled the air, piercing the titans, severing arms and legs and napes. Your comrades dropped from their grips, bruised and bleeding, but thankfully still alive. Somehow, those deadly ice fragments had missed them completely.

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