Worth the World (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello lovelies! Here is the other version of "Clean and Beautiful" that I promised!

As with the other story, this part mentions questionable consent, drugging, and prostitution. It also discusses emotional trauma related to such activities. Please don't read if this will trigger bad things for you.

Finally, this story was inspired by the "Getting Closer" doujinshi by Yabukara, #16, and skull9. While my story is rated PG-13, the doujinshi itself is definitely categorized as adult-only content, so please keep that in mind if you decide to look it up.

"He's talking with the finance guy again," Hanji observed, gazing out the window.

Levi followed her stare, seeing Erwin walking around the grounds with a brown-haired man of average height. "Tch. Why?" Levi grumbled.

Hanji shrugged. "Apparently, his usual fundraising methods aren't enough to get us through the next expedition, let alone all the ones we'd need to retake Wall Maria. He appealed to the government, but that's not going anywhere." She sighed. "It's too bad. If the Scouts don't go outside the Walls, that reflects poorly on him as the commander – regardless of whether it's actually his fault."

Levi stared down at the tea in his hands, thinking. He had devoted himself to making Erwin's vision a reality, and he hated seeing the man he admired so greatly in such a tough spot. He didn't want the top brass to view Erwin poorly – or, God forbid, remove him from his post – because truthfully, he was the best commander to have ever led the Scouts.

If only he could do something to get the money Erwin needed. However, he didn't see how his tactlessness could succeed where the commander's charm had failed, so appealing to the nobles and rich merchants was out. Furthermore, he knew he would have no luck with the government if they had already denied Erwin's request.

But...he did know of other ways to make money.

Actually, he had made quite a lot of it while taking jobs in the Underground – almost enough to buy citizenship and live comfortably on the surface. However, after he joined the Scouts, Erwin had made him promise not to engage in crime anymore. And if he was going to honor Erwin's orders, he couldn't return to those activities, even briefly. So, he was right back where he started – useless.


Levi's hand tightened around the teacup. He was aware of one other way to make a lot of money in a short time. After all, his mother had done it, and he knew loads of men did it too. He had hoped he would never end up like that – had been almost frightened of it – after what he had seen as a child. His need for cleanliness and his hatred of being touched only strengthened his desire to avoid such a transaction. But...if it was for Erwin...

Levi swallowed.

He would just have to endure it.


For once, you awoke several hours after sunrise. You had been given the day off, and rather than spending it in the less-than-comfortable barracks, you had journeyed to your cottage in Sina last night, just for this chance to wake up in a luxuriously plush bed. The experience was certainly worth the trip to the interior.

Your father was one of the richest merchants in the Walls, and once you had reached majority, your parents had given you their vacation cottage – just so you could have your own space. Of course, you didn't use it often, since you had to stay at Scout Regiment Headquarters most of the time. Still, for those rare days off, it was nice to have a quiet place that you could go to for a bit of relaxation and reading.

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