Jack the Ripper (Levi x MP Reader)

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There was an implied understanding between the Military Police and the Scouts – namely, that they hated each other on principle. It was almost inevitable, given that the ideals that caused soldiers to choose one regiment often put them in direct conflict with the values of the other. Yet, there were a few individuals who somehow managed to defy convention by forming friendships across the factions.

One such relationship bloomed between an MP investigator named (f/n) (l/n) and none other than Humanity's Strongest himself, Levi of the Scouts. It was a surprising development, because Levi was notorious for treating the MP's with a cold glare and a sharp tongue. However, upon meeting (f/n), he learned that she wasn't like the others. She performed her duties diligently, treated all citizens fairly, and believed that every branch of the military was important.

Once that initial barrier was passed, they discovered that their personalities clicked naturally, and after chatting at military functions so many times, they became loyal friends. They dropped by to visit each other on occasion, and exchanged letters when they couldn't. And whenever the Scouts went outside the Walls, (f/n) was always there to watch Levi depart and come back again. Even as the years passed and their rise through the ranks burdened them with increasing responsibilities, they still made time for each other.

(F/n)'s promotions had taken her inside Wall Sina, and the distance meant Levi only had time to visit her on his rare days off. He didn't mind, though. He didn't have any other friends or family to visit, and making the trip to see (f/n) was immensely preferable to sitting around an empty HQ, constantly reminded of how alone he was in the world.

So, as usual, Levi set off at the crack of dawn after another sleepless night. He stopped at a quaint but quality bakery along the way – one that used to be (f/n)'s favorite before she relocated – and picked up a muffin to bring to her. For himself, he ordered a cup of black tea, which he drank quickly in order to get moving again as soon as possible.

After a few hours of riding, Levi arrived at the MP administrative building where (f/n)'s office was located. He ignored the glares of passing soldiers as he made his way through the halls, walking the familiar path to her door. But before he could knock, he heard voices inside.

Levi wasn't intending to eavesdrop. Although he was skilled in subterfuge, he didn't intrude in other people's business without reason. However, the words that drifted through the walls rooted his feet to the ground.

"You're telling me that central command refuses to send help because the victims are prostitutes?" (f/n)'s voice hissed, laced with disbelief and fury.

"Look, our forces are stretched too thin," another voice – male, and rather condescending – replied. "We don't have manpower to waste on a couple of whores."

"They're people," (f/n) insisted icily. "Women. And they're being murdered. It doesn't matter what they do to make a living. They're still our citizens. It's our duty to protect them!"

The man started to speak, but she cut him off. "And don't give me that crap about being 'stretched thin'. I know for a fact that the other squads in Sina are spending their days playing cards and getting drunk."

The man huffed, but didn't deny it. "Our answer is no. If you want to waste your time with whores," he hissed, emphasizing the word, "you'll have to do it alone."

"Fine then," she snapped. "I will."

Seconds later, the door was yanked open. A tall, beady-eyed man in an MP uniform stepped out, only to stop suddenly when he saw Levi standing there. He took one look at Levi's Scout jacket, scowled, and stalked away.

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