When We're Together (Levi x Reader)

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It was Christmas Eve. The Scouts had returned from a surprisingly casualty-free expedition that morning, and then most of the soldiers had promptly gone home to their families, taking advantage of the two-week holiday leave. In fact, Levi was pretty sure he was the only soldier left in his entire wing, if not all of Headquarters.

Although he was exhausted from the expedition, he couldn't sleep. Instead, he wandered down to the common room and sat on the floor in front of the Christmas tree, leaning his back against the couch. This was his first Christmas on the surface, although it may as well have been his first Christmas ever, since no one had much reason to celebrate in the Underground City. (Tomorrow also happened to be his birthday, but he never celebrated that, either.)

Levi gazed up at the tree, admiring the carefully arranged lights and bulbs. One of the other soldiers had spent an entire day painstakingly cutting down the tree and then decorating it. At first, Levi thought it was a colossal waste of time, but now, he understood why she did it. The tree was beautiful in a soft, quiet sense – much like the snow that was now falling silently outside. Somehow, being in its warm glow was soothing.

As he stared at the tree, Levi couldn't help but think of the woman who had so skillfully adorned it, (f/n) (l/n).

Most of the soldiers here tended to avoid him – which was fine. Levi wasn't keen to get close to anyone, given what had happened to Farlan and Isabel. However, after their deaths, (f/n) was one of the few people who reached out to him. She wasn't annoying about it, like that crazy Hanji woman. She had given him his space. Over time, Levi found that he, surprisingly, didn't mind her. She was a smart woman, and straightforward. Although she was technically a rank above him, she always treated him as an equal, unlike the other officers who liked to throw their weight around. Levi felt at ease around her, and despite his intentions after his first expedition, he couldn't help but think of her as his friend.

He supposed she had gone home now, to spend Christmas with her family like everyone else. Although he hated to admit it, Levi envied them all – not because he didn't have a family, but because there were two people who should have been here with him. They would have been here with him, if not for his damn pride...

No. Like Erwin had said, he couldn't regret it. He couldn't let that dull his future decisions. But still, he couldn't help but picture Isabel's wide eyes as she stared at the Christmas lights in wonder. Farlan would've enjoyed them, too. They would be sitting around the tree with him right now, telling stories and bickering like siblings.

A single tear rolled down his cheek.

Levi knew he shouldn't show his emotions, but he didn't move to wipe the stain away. There was no one around to see.

"Levi? What are you still doing up?"

A string of curses flew through his mind as Levi hastily rubbed his cheek with his sleeve. Thankfully, he was facing away from the owner of that gentle voice, so she wouldn't have seen his weakness. Expressionless once again, he turned to look at her.

"I thought you left," he said flatly.

(F/n) stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame in her casual clothes. "I was just helping my friend get home. She broke her leg on the expedition, so I figured she could use some support."

Levi rolled his eyes, though inwardly he had always respected (f/n)'s devotion to her comrades. "So you're not going home?"

"No. I thought I'd stay here," she said lightly. "What about you? Don't you have any family?"

He did, once. Levi turned his face back to the tree, away from (f/n). "No," he growled. "I don't."

Levi heard her soft footsteps crossing the room, and then she sat down next to him. He tensed at how close she was, but she didn't seem to notice. "That's okay," she murmured. "I'll be your family."

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