Pancakes (Husband Levi x Princess Reader)

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Author's Note: I know I said I wouldn't do multiple parts in this book, but this one isn't strictly a sequel, since it can stand on its own. Plus, I'm Author-chan, and I can do what I want. Mwahaha. (But seriously, I hope you enjoy!)

You awoke to the feeling of your new husband shifting slightly next to you. You gave an adorable little groan as you entered consciousness, snuggling further into his muscular chest.

One of your husband's hands traveled from your bare waist to your head, stroking your silky (h/c) hair. "Sorry," Levi murmured with a small smile. "I didn't mean to wake you."

You blinked against the early morning sun as you looked up at him, the corners of your mouth lifting to match his. "It's alright," you replied, your voice still gravelly from sleep.

As a soldier, Levi was used to waking up early. In fact, you were surprised he had slept this long, given what he told you about his insomnia. Perhaps your...activities...last night had worn him out as well.

You blushed at the thought, though you didn't look away as Levi gazed at you with loving, half-lidded eyes.

You leaned up to give him a peck on the nose. "Good morning, my prince."

Levi scoffed. "I'm not a prince."

"You are," you quipped, poking him playfully in the chest. "You married a princess, so you're a prince. Well, technically, a prince consort, but no one ever says the full thing." You gave him a smug smirk. "Prince."

"Brat," he grumbled, though he still gazed at you with love in his eyes.

You let yourself get lost in his grey-blue orbs, wanting to savor every moment with your husband.

Eventually, you had to get up. Your sore legs stumbled a few times on your way to the bathroom, and you heard Levi chuckling from his spot on the bed. You smiled to yourself at that rare sound.

When you looked in the mirror, you saw that your hair was a complete mess. As you did your best to brush it out, you gained a newfound appreciation for the four lady's maids that had groomed you every day of your life. Anne, Brigitte, Cora, and Della had done their best to teach you how to deal with your long hair before you left on your honeymoon. However, the most you could manage on your own was a simple ponytail – and even that was a struggle.

When you and Levi came to your family's villa on the north side of Wall Sina, you left your maids at the palace. You were used to servants being present for even the most private moments of your life, but they probably would've made Levi uncomfortable – especially given...last night. Even the guards kept to the perimeter of the land, so it seemed like you and your husband were truly alone.

As you brushed out the last knot, Levi's strong arms wrapped around you from behind. He nuzzled your neck, and you melted into him, instinctively tilting your head to give him better access. Your eyelids grew heavy as heat bloomed beneath your skin.

Levi peppered kisses up your throat. "Are you hungry?" he murmured.

"A little," you admitted. You sighed as he found your sweet spot.

Levi grazed his lips up your neck to just behind your ear. "I'll make you something."

You whined as his touch left you, but Levi only smirked. "We'll have plenty of time for that after breakfast. In the meantime, put some clothes on, brat. You're too distracting."

You did as Levi instructed, albeit slowly, since you were so sore. When you finally entered the kitchen, Levi was in front of the stove, wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Something simmered in the frying pan, and it smelled divine.

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