Author's Note: Rejected

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The endless slog of writing is finally over! I present to you, dear readers, the longest story I have ever written – a total of 17 chapters! (Also, thanks for 600K reads on this oneshot book. It means a lot.)

Without further ado, here's the teaser for "Rejected":

Every werewolf has a soulmate, chosen for them at birth. Levi hasn't met his yet, and at twenty-eight years old, he's starting to think that he might never find her. However, he tries not to let it get to him, as he has other important matters to worry about. Levi is the pack's Beta - second in command only to the Alpha. It is his job to protect the pack, and with the threat of Rogue werewolves on the horizon, his duty has never been more essential. Yet, in the midst of all that darkness, there is hope. After many long years of waiting, Levi finally stumbles upon his mate. But what happens when she is something he can never have, when Levi is forced to choose between abandoning the pack...and rejecting her?

"Rejected" was inspired by a story of the same name written by hugs_for_hippies. I would highly encourage everyone to check it out. It's quite intriguing, and I hope that the author finishes it someday.

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