Dracula's Daughter (Levi x Vampire Reader)

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Author's note: Thanks to everyone who has followed my account! We've officially reached 1K!

The roof of HQ really was a lovely spot – providing an unparalleled view of the gorgeous night sky, as well as privacy, since no one ever came up here. Well...no one but you and Levi, at least. You two enjoyed sitting together on the stone roof, gazing up at the stars, and occasionally engaging in more...romantic activities.

You threaded your fingers through Levi's, savoring that little bit of warmth in the chilly air. "It's a nice night, huh?" you murmured.

He gazed back at you with half-lidded eyes. "Yeah," he breathed.

Your lips met softly, and yet, they conveyed such boundless love that you could hardly stand it. You felt as though your heart would burst from your chest. Your tongue slid across his bottom lip, and he parted eagerly, practically begging you to come inside. Both of you hummed contentedly as you deepened the kiss, arms going around each other, fingers twining in hair...

"Sorry to interrupt," a smooth, cold voice drawled.

You jumped back from Levi, the blood in your veins turning to ice. Your eyes locked with the red ones of the intruder, who was standing just a few meters away on the roof, appearing to be a handsome, well-groomed man in his early thirties. Deceptive – considering that man was really a monster.

"It has been a long time, daughter," Dracula stated, his demeanor no different than if he were politely greeting guests at a party. You, meanwhile, were terrified. "I hope you enjoyed your excursion into the mortal world, but it is time to come home now."

Levi had no idea what was going on, but he read the horror in your eyes. "You're not taking her anywhere," he growled, moving to stand between you and Dracula.

"Charming," your father chuckled condescendingly. Then, faster than a human could perceive, he rushed across the roof and grabbed Levi by the collar. In the blink of an eye, your lover was dangled over the ledge – several stories above the hard, unforgiving ground.

"Bastard," Levi hissed, struggling to get out of his grip. However, not even the strongest human was a match for the original vampire.

Your heart nearly stopped at the sight. "No! Don't hurt him!" you screamed at the monster who held Levi's life in his hand. "Please! I'll do whatever you want!"

"Oh, I'm sure you will," Dracula replied calmly. Then he let go.

"No!" you screamed again, lurching forward as Levi dropped to the earth far below, ready to jump off the roof after him.

But in the next instant, your sisters appeared, swooping down with bat wings protruding from their human bodies, catching Levi in their grasp. Yet, you felt anything but relieved. They were a worse fate than being splattered on the ground.

"Let him go!" you shouted desperately at Dracula, knowing your sisters were under his command. "I'm the one you want! He has nothing to do with this!"

"I beg to differ," Dracula stated, fixing his gaze on you. For just a moment, you saw a flicker of how truly enraged he was, that you had managed to hide from him for a decade. "Now, come. It is time we went home."

You had no choice but to follow.


By the time you and Dracula landed atop his castle, your sisters were already out of sight. And there was no sign of Levi.

"Where is he?" you growled at Dracula, momentarily forgetting your fear of him. Your worry for Levi and your anger at the fact that he was being used as a hostage left no room for any other emotion.

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