Better Left Unsaid (Traumatized Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This story is pretty heavy, so I want to make sure you all are properly advised. It discusses trauma that Levi experienced while witnessing his mother's work in the Underground. There is no smut, but it is implied that certain things happened to her. Additionally, this story includes borderline non-consent, flashbacks/blackouts, and anxiety as a result of trauma. Please don't read this if any of those things are triggers for you. 


(F/n) and Levi slid into a table at the edge of the crowded tavern, not bothering to hide how close they were. Practically everyone in the military, if not all of humanity, was aware that they were dating by now. It wasn't that the couple made a big show of it – actually, they were quite subdued in public – but given that Levi was Humanity's Strongest Soldier, gossip about him tended to travel fast.

The most recent scuttlebutt that had reached Levi's ears was that (f/n) "wore the pants" in their relationship – meaning she was the one in charge. Truthfully, neither of them were "in charge", so to speak. They weren't giving each other orders, or anything so extreme. However, Levi did put (f/n) and her wishes first, and since he wasn't experienced in romance, she was typically the one initiating things.

Levi liked it that way. He enjoyed the chance to play second fiddle for once in his life. Moreover, it was refreshing to be with someone who treated him as an equal, who wasn't afraid to joke with him or roast him a bit – all from a place of love, of course. Perhaps this was what had the rumor mill so perplexed, because everyone else thought of Levi as intimidating, frightening, and untouchable. They would never dare to interact with him as a normal human being, so when (f/n) did, it seemed more extreme than it actually was.

On top of that, she did tend to dote upon him a bit. She kept it to a minimum while they were in public, because Levi did have to uphold some portion of his reputation. However, there was a little fixing-his-cravat here, a little calling-him-handsome there. Again, Levi enjoyed it, and the feeling of being taken care of for once in his life left him with a cartload of butterflies in his chiseled stomach. However, given that the rest of the population saw Levi as an invulnerable god who never needed to be defended or cared for, the sight of (f/n) catering to him was probably quite a shock.

Tonight, the fact that they were out-of-uniform lent them a shred of anonymity. However, that was countered by the fact that most of the patrons could recognize their faces, given that this tavern was a favorite spot for soldiers. Its proximity to the barracks made it quite convenient for them to come here in their off hours – trading their uniforms for casual clothes and a few drinks to make them forget the monsters outside.

The pair tried to ignore the occasional stares or whispers in favor of enjoying their time together. They worked their way through a couple of drinks, chatting and joking amicably. When the night grew dark and they ordered a tea cake to share, (f/n) didn't waste the opportunity to dote upon Levi, feeding him a spoonful of the delicious treat. Levi cast a quick glance around the room, noting that everyone else seemed absorbed by their own drinks and companions, before shyly accepting the spoon.

After (f/n) placed the spoon back on the dish, she used a napkin to wipe the single crumb that had gotten on Levi's cheek. Levi felt the familiar flutter of butterflies in his stomach as she cleaned him, but their warmth quickly ran cold when he heard a chorus of snickers from the table next to theirs. He had been too absorbed in (f/n)'s attention to notice when three pairs of eyes started watching them shortly after she picked up the napkin.

Levi recognized the onlookers as MP's, though they were currently in plainclothes, just like all the other patrons. Their flushed faces and glazed-over eyes made it clear that they were drunk, and apparently, that made them forget their typical fear of the captain. They certainly didn't seem at all hesitant to interrupt his and (f/n)'s meal.

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