Sacred (Husband Levi x Queen Reader)

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"Next is the matter of the queen's marriage."

Your ears perked up. "What about my marriage?" you asked, feeling slightly wary.

The nobleman who had spoken cleared his throat. "Well, Your Majesty, our country is in a rather difficult position at the moment. We need allies, and the best way to do that is for you to marry foreign royalty."

"Except I'm already married," you stated, completely astounded by his audacity. You honestly couldn't believe what you were hearing. Everyone knew that Levi was your husband.

"Not to worry, Your Majesty," the nobleman said flippantly. "We can have that annulled. After all, you didn't know you were royalty at the time. It's understandable that mistakes were made –"

"Mistakes?" you snapped. "Are you suggesting that my marriage to Levi was a mistake?"

Realizing that he had blundered, the nobleman tried to backtrack. "No, no, of course not. I simply meant that a common soldier is not a suitable husband for a queen. Now, we have already compiled a list of acceptable –"

"Get out," you ordered, your voice deathly quiet.

The man cut off abruptly. He stared at you with wide eyes, recognizing just how angry you were. "Your Majesty," he tried again, "if you would just –"

"Get. Out."

He gulped. For a moment, you wondered if he would try to press the issue further. But then he bowed his head and left the room.

"The rest of you are dismissed as well," you stated.

A tense silence filled the space as the nobles and advisors shuffled out, leaving you alone.

Once they were gone, you leaned your forehead into your hand and sighed. Your life had suddenly become a whirlwind, and you felt like you were being swept away, struggling to manage the ceaseless flow of new information and threats that your country was faced with. The one constant, the one reprieve was your marriage. And now, they wanted to take that away, too.

It had been a little over a year since you discovered that your biological father was actually King of the Walls. On top of that, you had a half-sister, Historia, who was now an heir to the throne. Both of you had enlisted in the military to escape your father and his associates, though you were a few years ahead of her.

That was when you met Levi. Throughout the years of seemingly endless battle with the titans, you two had fallen in love and gotten married. When you discovered the truth about your lineage a little over a year ago, Levi stuck by you. He supported you as you learned to become a queen. And now, even though his work with the Scouts kept him busy, he always visited you whenever he could, to remind you of how deeply you were loved.

No power on this earth could convince you to toss him aside like trash.


That night, Levi sat down next to you on the couch. "I heard about what happened today," he muttered, not meeting your eyes.

You weren't surprised. People gossiped so much that nothing was ever private in this palace. However, you were saddened by it, and it seemed that Levi was too.

You quickly took his hand in your own, showing that you weren't about to let him go. "The nobles are just being stupid," you said hastily. "I promise, I would never even think of leaving you. I love you, and I always will."

Levi still wouldn't look at you as he asked quietly, "Would it help? I mean, if it would give our people a chance..."

"Don't even think that!" you rasped, every fiber of your being rebelling against the idea. "There are other ways to make allies. But I will not let them take our marriage, Levi. I will not."

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