Lullaby (No Name Levi x Reader)

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"Look, here they come!"

"It's them! No Name!"

"Over here! Smile this way!"

"Can I get a statement for Shingeki Magazine?"

A fresh wave of squeals overtook the crowd as someone shouted, "Oh my gosh, it's Raven!"

"Raven! Raven! Over here!"

"Step on me, Raven!"

"Insult us!"

"Look, he and Nevermore are holding hands!"

"Is that a ring on her finger?"

"Raven, are you two engaged? Your fans want to know!"





At last, you and the three band members arrived at the hotel. You and Raven bid the other two goodnight before stepping inside your luxurious, private suite. Even if ten people had been staying here, it still would have felt big. It also offered an unparalleled view of the city. Only the best for No Name, you supposed.

Raven's personal security had swept the area for cameras before you arrived, so you knew it was safe to take off your bandages. At last, you were just (f/n) and Levi.

Since No Name was an anonymous rock band, Levi, Hanji, and Mike had to take extreme precautions to keep their identities hidden. They always covered their eyes with bandages while performing, and of course, they didn't release their real names to the public. Because of that, the fandom had come up with aliases for all of them, Levi's being "Raven".

Levi revealed the truth to you when your relationship started getting serious. Since then, you had attended all their shows, and you came and went with the band. Of course, if people knew who you were, it would be easy to follow that trail to Levi, and then to Mike and Hanji. Thus, you also wore bandages, and the fandom had given you your own alias – "Nevermore".

You first saw the name in a music magazine that had been lying around the recording studio. It referenced the famous poem by Edgar Allan Poe: "Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'." Personally, you liked the name. It was dark and edgy, which fit the band's aesthetic perfectly. And of course, the implication was clear – you belonged to Raven.

You let Levi shower first, knowing that he was probably hot and sweaty after performing for so long. Then you took your own shower, dressed in your favorite (f/c) pajamas, and walked into the bedroom. Levi was seated against the headboard of the king-size bed, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. He held a phone to his ear – probably talking to the band's manager – but he motioned for you to join him on the bed anyway.

You grinned, then took a running jump before plopping down next to him. The mattress was so plush that you actually bounced after the initial impact.

Levi had to cover the phone so whoever was on the other end wouldn't hear him chuckle at your antics. Then he muttered, "Sounds great. See you in a few hours, Erwin."

Levi set his phone aside and pulled you into his lap. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck as you wrapped your arms around his toned waist.

"This world tour is really fun, Levi," you said with a poorly concealed yawn. "Thanks for bringing me."

"Glad you could come, brat," he murmured, brushing your hair back from your face. "You should get some sleep. We have to leave for the airport in five hours."

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