Again? (Injured Levi x Doctor Reader)

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Author's Note: It seems like my past few stories have been sad, so I wanted to write one that was more lighthearted. Enjoy!

"Again, Captain Levi?" you asked with raised eyebrows.

Once more, Humanity's Strongest Soldier sat at your station in the infirmary. He had been in here after the past three expeditions, usually with multiple injuries. Somehow, you were the one who always ended up attending to him.

In addition to being a soldier in the Scout Regiment, you were also captain of its medical squad. You rode with the Scouts on expeditions (usually in the well-protected center ranks), treated wounds in the field whenever possible, and patched up all other injuries upon the regiment's return to base.

Today, only a handful of soldiers had needed to visit the infirmary, thank God. Most of them had already been taken care of. Besides you and Levi, the sole other occupants were your lieutenant and a cadet with a broken arm, both of whom occupied a station at the opposite end of the long room.

"If you wanted to see me so badly, you could have just asked," you quipped with a wink.

"Tch." Levi blushed and looked away. Walls, it was fun to tease him. Who would've thought that the stone-cold Captain Levi could be so shy? He definitely wasn't like this the first time you treated him, but since then, it had gradually become easier to get him flustered. You couldn't imagine why, though.

"Well," you sighed, getting back to business, "what seems to be the problem this time?"

"My leg," he replied.

You looked down at his right thigh, which was wrapped in bandages above his uniform pants. "No other injuries?"

"None," he answered curtly.

"Alright, then. Lie down, please." While Levi laid himself back on the bed, you grabbed the privacy curtain and started to pull it around.

Halfway through, your eyes landed on your subordinate, who was waving at you from across the room. The cadet was nowhere to be seen. "I'm all done, Captain!" she said cheerfully.

"You're dismissed, then. Get some rest," you told her.

After saluting, your lieutenant quit the room, leaving you alone with Levi.

You finished closing the privacy curtain, just in case anyone else came wandering in. Then you turned back to Levi and started peeling the bandages from his leg. "How did this happen?" you asked.

"I landed wrong. A blade nicked me."

"While saving someone, no doubt," you said with a knowing smile.

Again, Levi glanced away from you, proving you right. He did everything he could to protect his comrades, to the point of putting himself at risk. He didn't like to talk about it, though. He didn't want to be hailed as a hero. Somehow, that just made you admire him more.

You continued, "How badly does it hurt?"

"Not bad," he mumbled.

As you removed the last of the bandages, you raised your eyebrows incredulously. He didn't consider this bad? The angry red gash ran from halfway up his thigh all the way to the top of his leg. There, it disappeared beneath the fabric of his pants, which were stained with blood. It looked like the blade had gone up and under the fabric.

"You'll have to remove your pants," you informed him. "Or if it's too painful, I can cut them off."

"I can do it," he snapped.

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