Suffering in Silence (Levi x Injured Reader)

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The Scouts had just returned from yet another expedition. The death toll wasn't nearly as high this time, but there were a lot of injuries. As a result, over half the regiment was either in the infirmary or waiting in a huge line outside of it. Thankfully, everyone in your squad – the Special Operations Squad – had made it back without a scratch.

Well, officially, anyway. You actually had a few big scratches on your left shoulder blade, but you hadn't told anyone. You knew the infirmary was overwhelmed, and besides, you didn't think they were that bad. If you kept them clean and bandaged, they would probably heal up on their own soon.


You shut your horse in its stable, then reached up to give it one last pat on the nose before heading off to shower. You had forgotten about your injured shoulder, and the movement caused you to hiss in pain.

"Something wrong, (f/n)?" your captain's icy voice growled from behind you.

You turned around quickly and saluted. "No, sir," you replied, forcing a smile onto your face. The last thing you wanted was for him to find out about your wounds and force you to go to the infirmary.

"Oh, really?" Levi raised his eyebrows. "Then why is there blood on the back of your jacket?"

Crap. The blood must have soaked through the bandages you hastily threw on earlier. "It's nothing, sir. Just a little scratch. I can take care of it."

"Doesn't look like you're doing a very good job," Levi pointed out tersely. "Go to the infirmary."

"Sir, with all due respect, the infirmary is overwhelmed. They shouldn't be wasting their time with something small like this."

Levi leveled his gaze at you, and you thought you were about to be put on stable duty for arguing with your superior. Instead, he mused, "I suppose they do have a lot to deal with. And with the backlog, it would take forever for them to get to you, anyway." He sighed. "Fine. I'll help you with it." Then he started walking toward the stable doors.

"Uh..." you breathed, stunned and a little unsure. Despite his harsh manner of speaking, you knew from being in his squad that Levi wasn't actually a jerk, but the idea of him tending your wounds still left you in shock.

Without looking back at you, Levi growled, "Are you going to make me repeat myself?"

Immediately, you snapped to attention. "No, sir! Definitely not!" Then you hurried off after your captain.

As you walked, you kept a few steps behind Levi. Occasionally, you cast nervous glances at his back, but most of the time, your eyes were on the ground. You had secretly harbored a crush on the raven-haired man for some time now. Of course, you never expected to have your love returned, since Levi considered romance to be a waste of time. However, that didn't stop a mixture of feelings from flooding your body at the thought of him being so close to you as he took care of your injuries. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and you were glad that Levi couldn't see.

You followed Levi to his bedroom. As he grabbed a first aid kit from the cabinet, you stood awkwardly in the middle of the floor.

"Well, sit down," Levi snapped, gesturing to his bed.

"Uh, right," you stammered. You delicately perched on the edge of the mattress.

Levi knelt on the floor in front of you and opened the kit. "Take off your jacket," he instructed.

You obeyed, wincing as the movement pulled at the wounds in your shoulder. You folded your jacket and placed it on the bed next to you, making sure the bloodstains didn't touch Levi's pristine blankets.

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