A Lucky Man (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

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Author's Note: This story is mostly told from Zeke's point of view, but there's a good reason, I promise. :)

Zeke sat on the same old log in the center of camp, reading the same old book for the fifth time.

It had been like this for weeks – imprisoned in this forest with nothing to do, guarded by no less than thirty soldiers. Of course, that included Captain Levi, whose face still made appearances in Zeke's nightmares. For the moment, he didn't have to worry about Levi trying to kill him, but he almost wished that the captain would make a move, just to save him from his boredom. As it was, the only break in this monotonous existence was the occasional arrival of a message or a supply wagon – always brought by the same two men.

However, today, when Zeke heard the pounding of a horse's hooves and looked up, the new arrival was someone he had never seen before. It was a woman – a very beautiful one, at that – who was quickly greeted with salutes by the other soldiers present, so she must have held a relatively high rank. Zeke also surmised that she must be the elusive third person he had heard his guards talking about – one of the soldiers who was trusted to bring supplies and information to this site, who was trusted to know his highly classified location.

"Section Commander!" one of Zeke's female guards called – revealing the woman's title. He found it interesting that someone of such a high rank was playing messenger. "Could you show us that dance again? I tried to teach Lina, but I can't remember how it goes."

"Sure, sure," the woman replied kindly. "Let's go over there. We'll need some space."

"Hey, I want to try!"

"Me too!"


The woman held up her hands placatingly as she was bombarded with requests from all ten of Zeke's female guards. "Okay, calm down. You can all join in. Emilia, do you still have your flute?"

They followed the section commander to a clearing not far off. Zeke observed them, if only for something to do. However, he was surprised when a few of the male guards sat down next to him.

"Man, I can't believe we get a front-row seat," one said to another.

Zeke found himself agreeing with that sentiment once the ladies started to dance. Of course, he wasn't interested in any sort of romantic endeavors, since such things would be pointless if he achieved his ultimate goal. All the same, he had to admit that the women were...quite attractive...especially the section commander who was leading them.

"Say, Valis," Zeke muttered to the soldier closest to him, "who is that woman?"

"Huh? Oh, that's the captain's wife, Section Commander (f/n)," Valis replied nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on the spectacle. "She was trained as a dancer before she enlisted, and she still does it as a form of exercise. She's gotten a lot of the female soldiers into it, too."

Zeke found himself doing a double-take. "Wait..." he gasped. "You said she's 'the captain's wife'. Surely...you don't mean Captain Levi?"

Valis shrugged. "Yeah. Who else?"

Zeke's jaw dropped so hard that it nearly hit the ground.

Given the captain's short stature and unsociable disposition, Zeke had always assumed that he wasn't popular with the ladies – or anyone, really. He supposed that Levi must have done something right, if he managed to put a ring on that beauty. But no matter how hard Zeke tried, he couldn't fathom how such a seemingly kind, energetic, and...dare he say, sexy...young woman had fallen for someone like Levi. Perhaps opposites attract?

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