Clean and Beautiful (Ex-Prostitute Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello lovelies! I have a few notes on this one, and they are important, so please read them.

First, this part mentions questionable consent, drugging, and prostitution. It also discusses emotional trauma related to such activities. Please don't read if this will trigger bad things for you.

Second, this story is inspired by the "Getting Closer" doujinshi by Yabukara, #16, and skull9. While my story is rated PG-13, the doujinshi itself is definitely categorized as adult-only content, so please keep that in mind if you decide to look it up.

Third, there will be another story inspired by that same doujinshi, so keep an eye out!

You rubbed your bleary eyes as you padded down the hall, wishing for the day when you didn't have to do this anymore. As a corporal, you only had to share your bedroom with one other person, but unfortunately, you still had to use the communal female showers. You wouldn't be entitled to a private bedroom and bathroom until you achieved the rank of squad leader – if you survived that long.

"Morning, (f/n)," Enne grumbled as you stepped into the stall next to her. The two of you had been friends since your years in the Trainee Corps, so you were pretty used to sharing your morning routine by this point.

"G'morning," you mumbled back as you shrugged off your towel and turned on the water. It hit you like a bucket of ice, causing you to gasp and flinch away. least it woke you up.

"Hey, does anyone remember what we have this morning?" one of the cadets called from the stall across from yours.

"Everyone below lieutenant has hand-to-hand combat training while the higher-ups are in a strategy meeting," you replied.

"Thanks, Corporal!" the cadet chimed back.

"Ugh, I just hope I'm not paired up with Corporal Levi," another cadet hissed with obvious distaste.

You paused with the sponge halfway down your arm.

"I know, right?" her friend replied. "He's so scary."

"And probably dirty," another one added. "I mean, that's how all those Underground rats are."

The first cadet snorted. "I heard that when he was down there, he whored himself out for money."

"Ew, now I definitely don't want him touching me –"

"That's enough!" you interrupted, your eyes shooting daggers at the cadets.

They gaped back at you, completely incredulous. "But, Corporal..." one of them began.

"I mean it," you stated with icy seriousness. "You shouldn't make assumptions or spread rumors. None of you have ever lived in the Underground, so you couldn't possibly understand what it's like. Besides, Corporal Levi's life is none of your business. So shut it."

The cadets appeared stunned, as if they had taken for granted that you would go right along with them. However, once it sank in that you truly wouldn't tolerate any gossip about Levi, their expressions became shuttered – almost angry. "Yes, ma'am," they grumbled.

You sighed inaudibly as you returned to your shower. Truthfully, you felt bad for Levi. Not only had he been dragged out of the life he knew and forced to fight titans, but his two friends had died horribly on their first mission. At least now, it seemed like he was staying with the Scouts of his own free will. Still, he was clearly struggling to find his place here, and it didn't help that everyone either feared him or mocked him. Yes, he was a bit cold and hostile, but anyone would react that way in his position. People should've been reaching out to him – not making his life harder.

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