Rainy Night (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This was inspired by the "Whispers in the Rainy Night" manga by Tomomo / Heat Boy. (Also, thanks for 25K likes! Mwah!)

As Commander Erwin's lieutenant, you had expected to stay by his side after the failure of the 57th Recon Mission. After all, it was your job to assist him with everything, to follow him anywhere. Thus, you were both surprised and uneasy when he instead ordered you to take care of Eren and Captain Levi.

It just seemed so...awkward, in the saddest possible way. You figured that the sole survivors of that squad would want to grieve on their own, and that your presence – while sympathetic – would be more intrusive than comforting. However, when Erwin insisted that there was no one else he trusted to take care of humanity's two greatest hopes, you had no choice but to relent. So, here you were.

You made Levi and Eren aware of your presence in the castle and cooked dinner for them. But afterwards, only Eren accepted your offer for company. It seemed Levi preferred to grieve on his own.

He had always been a bit solitary, ever since his first scouting mission, when he had lost the two friends that had come up from the Underground City with him. On top of that, he was unfailingly stoic – never allowing anyone to see what was going on inside. Most people jumped to the conclusion that he felt no emotions at all, but you weren't convinced. On the contrary, you could tell that Levi felt things very deeply. However, he was also burdened with the role of Humanity's Strongest, and thus, he had to keep it together for everyone else's sake. He wasn't allowed to show pain.

Perhaps it was your concern preventing you from relaxing, but you couldn't sleep that night. After lying in bed for hours, you decided to go for a walk. So you threw on some casual clothes and wandered the empty castle halls, lantern in hand.

As you passed a wall of tall windows, you looked out, barely able to see through all the rain that was pouring down the glass. You weren't looking for anything in particular – merely trying to kill a few minutes by observing the scenery – when you saw a figure standing alone in the yard.

Feeling your heart speed up with trepidation, you pressed your face to the glass, trying to get a better look. A moment later, you sighed in relief as you observed that it was only Captain Levi and not some threatening intruder. But then...why was Levi outside in the pouring rain...not to mention, in the middle of the night?

Your chest tightened in concern, perhaps beyond that of what you might normally feel for a comrade. You had been in love with Levi for years, and you were pretty sure he knew it. However, he had also told you that he didn't want to get involved with someone when either of them could die at any time, and you respected his wish to avoid that pain. Thus, you kept your feelings to yourself, but they never went away.

You rushed down to the ground floor, grabbing an umbrella from the hall closet before making your way outside. Levi was still standing there, completely motionless, getting soaked by the rain.

"Captain?" you called out as you neared him. You kept up the formalities, since Levi was technically ranked higher than you, even though you had been with the Scouts just as long as he had. While your position with Erwin was important and required large amounts of experience and skill, at the end of the day, you were officially only a lieutenant.

When Levi turned to face you, when his eyes met your own, your chest tightened further. He looked so...empty.

"Ah...is that you, (f/n)?" he muttered lifelessly.

"Sir, you're completely soaked," you murmured over the deluge of rain. "How long have you been out here?"

"...I don't remember."

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