Restored (Levi x Prostitute Reader) Part 2: (F/n)

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You were shocked when you were summoned to the lobby, only to find Levi standing there in a military uniform.

"Get your things," he muttered. "We're leaving."

You could only gape at him, your mouth hanging open. Was he...was he really going to keep his promise? Had he actually managed to carve out a life on the surface? Was he really taking you with him?

Your eyes lingered on the crest of his military uniform. Not an MP – which you were vaguely grateful for – but you didn't know the name of the regiment that those wings belonged to. However, if he was in the military, then he had to have citizenship. He had to have gotten out of the slums.

Even so, it was unbelievable that you could join him up there. "My debt..." you gasped, still staring at him in shock, still feeling like this was all a dream. But even if he was here right now, you couldn't leave. Not while your employer still owned you...

"I paid it off," he stated.

A small, confused sound escaped your throat. Your debt was enormous – intended to be something you could never realistically eliminate, so that you would be bound here forever. For Levi to have paid it...

Levi sighed, then reached out and took your hand. Apparently, he was growing impatient at your lack of response. Or maybe he had more personal reasons for wanting to get out of here. Either way, his touch was gentle, reassuring. And you realized that this was the first time he had ever willingly touched you – the first time he didn't flinch or casually move away.

The contact grounded you to reality just enough for you to murmur, "I don't have any things."

Levi nodded. "Then come on." He halfway turned to go, but stopped as a thought crossed his mind. Facing you again, he shrugged off his jacket and draped it around your shoulders, covering your threadbare dress with something more suited to the chill outside. Then he led you out of that hell.

Hand securely entwined with yours, he marched you out the front door, through the filthy maze of streets that you had never seen, and up the stairs. All the while, tears welled in your eyes, and you didn't even have the presence of mind to stop them. You still couldn't believe this was happening.

When you arrived at the checkpoint, Levi paid the toll and presented two citizenship documents. With a jolt, you realized that one of them had your name on it – the only word you had ever learned to read – followed by another word that he presumably had picked to be your last name. But you didn't ask. Your mind was still trying to catch up with the fact that you were stepping out of the darkness...into the blinding sunlight...shielding your eyes with your arm until they adjusted...

And your tears started to flow.


Levi took you to an apartment above a bookshop and, to your continued shock, told you that it was all yours.

It was the nicest, cleanest place you had ever seen. The kitchen was full of fresh food that smelled divine. You had an actual bathtub, and a bed with a mattress that wasn't uneven and sheets that weren't threadbare. There were even a couple of new outfits in your wardrobe – new, not hand-me-downs. All of all make you feel like a queen. And it was too much...

You collapsed in front of your wardrobe, kneeling in front of those gorgeous clothes and bawling your eyes out.

"Shit!" Levi gasped, rushing to you, but stopping just shy of where you were, awkwardly trying to figure out what to do with a crying woman. "(F/n)...I'm sorry...if you don't like it..."

"D-don't...l-like it?" you managed to sob. "Levi, this is...this is the n-nicest...I c-can't b-believe you d-d-did all this...f-for me..."

Levi sighed, sounding equal parts relieved and sad. He sank down onto the floor beside you, sitting with you until you finished crying. When your sobs finally quieted, he handed you a handkerchief – just one more kindness that you couldn't repay.

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