French Lessons (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This was updated on 8/12/20. I hope you like the new-and-improved version!

You gazed into his eyes and whispered, "Je t'aime, Levi."

He looked away, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "You know I don't speak French, brat," he mumbled.

You laughed. "But you know what it means."

Levi's blush deepened. It was honestly adorable, how shy he acted when you were alone – so different from the utterly unflappable captain that the rest of the world saw. Even though you both had expressed your love a few times already, he still got embarrassed.

"Would you like me to teach you?" you asked with a smirk.

The two of you were alone in the common room. The rest of the squad had gone to bed hours ago, but as Levi habitually didn't sleep much, you had decided to stay up with him. Low flames crackled in the fireplace, the light dancing across the floor to where you and Levi sat side-by-side on the couch.

Levi glanced up at you, hesitant, but also curious.

You took that as your cue to begin. Without breaking eye contact, you slowly brushed your sock-covered foot across his, murmuring, "Le pied."

Levi's breath hitched. He froze, not knowing how to react. He clearly felt embarrassed at the new sensation, but that didn't mean he didn't like it. 

You hummed a laugh, knowing you were about to see a lot more of that lovely shyness, before tracing your toes around his ankle. "La cheville." Then you continued up the toned muscles of his calf. "La jambe."

Levi seemed to grow more and more nervous with each of your light touches, so you decided to ease the tension a bit. "La tête," you chimed, tapping him quickly and playfully on the head. 

You giggled as he narrowed his eyes, irritated at your antics. "Désolée, désolée," you purred. Then you moved on.

"Les cheveux," you said softly, running your fingers through his onyx hair and tugging gently at the ends.

At your soothing touch, Levi's glare gradually disappeared, and his annoyance faded away.

"Le visage," you murmured, sliding your fingers around the edge of his face. You grazed your thumbs across the dark circles under his eyes. "Les yeux." 

Levi sat completely still, holding his breath.

You slowly skimmed your pinkie down his nose, scarcely touching the skin. "Le nez." Then your fingers traced his left ear while you leaned close to his right and whispered, "Les oreilles."

Levi shivered involuntarily when he felt your breath against his skin.

You pulled back until your face was barely an inch from his, and you stroked a finger around the edge of his mouth. "La bouche."

You glanced up. Levi gazed back at you through half-lidded eyes, completely under your spell. For a moment, you forgot your teasing. He was so beautiful that it took your breath away.

You blinked, tearing your gaze away from his gray-blue orbs so you could lean in, barely brushing his lips with your own. "Les lèvres," you breathed.

Levi made a small noise low in his throat, and your control snapped. You kissed him passionately, sliding your arms around his neck and twining your fingers in his hair. He wrapped his hands around your back and pulled you closer.

Without breaking the kiss, you gently pushed him down so he was lying on the couch. Then you lightly ran your tongue across his bottom lip. Tentatively, Levi parted, allowing you just enough room to slip inside and start playing with his own wet muscle. Levi moaned into your mouth, sending a shiver down your spine.

You kissed him until you started to feel dizzy from the lack of air. Gasping softly, you broke apart. 

When you finally had enough oxygen, you hissed, "La langue."

Levi stared up at you with wide eyes. "What?" he panted.

A wicked smile curled your lips as you got your breath under control. "La langue," you repeated.


You leaned back down, capturing his still-parted lips with your own. Your tongues met once more – lightly at first. Then your strokes became longer, slower – teasing, coaxing. The muffled sounds you earned in response were intoxicating, and they caused you to instinctively press your body closer.

Cautiously, Levi started to try things for himself. You let him explore, all at once amused by his innocence and enthralled by his touch. He may have been shy, but he caught on quickly. Even the mere brush of his muscle against yours was annihilating. 

After a few more moments of allowing him to lead, you pushed back into his own mouth, leaving no surface untouched. Claiming everything for your own. 

"So," you smirked, pulling away to look at him, "what have we learned?"

"Je t'aime, (f/n)," Levi whispered breathlessly.

You blinked in surprise, then smiled. Even though the words weren't in your native language, looking into Levi's eyes, you knew he meant them just as much as if he had spoken them in English.

"Je t'aime aussi, Levi," you replied softly. You gave him a tender kiss before settling down next to him.

There wasn't much room on the couch, so you were half-lying on top of him, but neither of you minded the closeness. You closed your eyes and rested in silence, until eventually, the steady rise-and-fall of his chest lulled you to sleep. However, Levi remained awake for a while longer, the taste of your lesson still lingering on his tongue.

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