Intimacy (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: PSA, for all you fanart geeks out there (and really, who isn't?). This story was inspired by fanart from にいに〜 (Niini). I highly recommend checking out her work on Pixiv. She even has a book on sale!

The door that connected Levi's office to the bedroom was already cracked open, so you nudged it further and poked your head in. Your eyes landed on the gorgeous form of Levi himself, who was sitting at the foot of the bed, facing away from you as he attempted to tie a bandage around his right hand with his teeth. You guessed that he must have just finished showering after the last hand-to-hand combat training session, given that his hair was damp. And he was also completely naked.

He didn't care – not in here, because you were the only other person who could ever enter this room, and you had seen it all before. He knew he was safe with you. (But of course, that sense of security didn't stop him from acting extremely shy during the frequent occasions that you decided to compliment his magnificent body.)

You grinned and snuck up behind him – except not really, because Levi was incredibly perceptive, and therefore, he certainly knew of your presence. Yet, he didn't bother to turn around, keeping his focus on the bandage while you knelt on the bed, sliding your arms around his neck and pressing your body into his back. You had already removed your jacket and harness for the day, leaving you in your tank top and trousers, and the skin-on-skin contact of your arms against his chest felt amazing. It flooded you with a sense of comfort – of tranquility and warmth – because your body instinctively knew that this was home.

"Want some help with that?" you murmured into his ear, indicating the bandage that he was still attempting to tie around his hand.

Levi nodded softly, and you released your hold on him so that he could twist around and offer his hand to you. There was a quiet sort of gratitude in his tired eyes, along with love and adoration. Once, those eyes had been shuttered – and to everyone else, they still were. But to you, they were open, letting you see the heart he so carefully hid from the world.

He was choosing to accept your help, even though he could have managed by himself, having tended his own wounds countless times before. It wasn't lost on you how huge that was – that he just...gave in. That he trusted you, when he almost never trusted anyone.

At the same time, your relationship had been like this for long enough that such trust didn't surprise you anymore, as it had in the beginning. Levi had spent his entire life pushing everyone away, because the world had taught him over and over that accepting help was the equivalent of showing weakness, and weakness would get him killed. It was instinct, at this point. Yet, there was another instinct that overpowered the former – one that had been carefully cultivated by your words and actions during the years you had known him. You had patiently shown him, again and again, that he was safe with you, until his body finally believed it.

Now, instead of surprise, you felt a warm contentedness at the display of trust. You were glad that you could give him a space where he felt completely sheltered, physically and emotionally. He deserved the chance to forget his burdens for a little while, to rest, to heal.

You gently took his hand in your own and tied the bandage, your fingers brushing over his scars and callouses. You had a lot of those yourself, earned from battles you would rather not think about right now. Those painful memories didn't belong in this peaceful space. Instead, you quietly appreciated Levi's body, seeing all the scars as signs of his bravery, all the callouses and corded muscles as signs of his strength. He truly was an incredible person.

When you finished, you returned your gaze to his. He was still looking at you with calm devotion in his half-lidded eyes, and the sight made your heart flutter. Wanting to express your adoration, you brought his knuckles to your lips, brushing them in the barest kiss.

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